sky. In the eighth dream she saw two golden vases with a large golden lotus each, on the top. In her ninth dream she saw fishes sporting in a lovely tank, bedecked with different kinds of lo- tuses. She next saw an effulgent lake filled with a pale yellow fluid which shone like liquid gold. In the eleventh dream she saw a great ocean agitated with waves which broke with gentle sounds, into small spray. She next saw a very big throne that was set with bright stones. Her thirteenth dream was the sight of a heavenly palace; the four- teenth of the residence of the Nāgendra who is the lord of Devas of the Nāg Kumāra clan; The fifteenth, a heap of glittering jewels, and the last a blazing fire that burned smokeless and bright! After these she saw one more dream which was the sight of a large beautiful bull, resplendent like gold, entering her open mouth ! 16 Part IT - - (The result of sixteen dreams) - "They first dream, Goddess !” exclaimed Nābhi Rāja, “presages the birth of an Excellent son, the second, that of his seniority over all others. That he will be strong as a lion, is implied in the third dream, The garlands indicate that thine son will be the founder of the true faith. The significancy of the goddess Lakşmi whose abhișeka was being performed by the two elephants is that Devas will come to perform the Abhi şeka of the son. The full moon foretells the fact that the boy will be the giver of Joy to the world. That he will be bright like the sun is to be understood from the next dream, The pair of fishes is indicative of the bliss that thy son will enjoy, and the fact that he will be further endowed
with all the innumerable excellent virtues, is clear from the dream of the big lake which thou sawest. The ocean predicts that he will be the world teacher and the lord of divine sovereignty. That he is coming from the heavens to be born to thee is the import of the heavenly palace which thou sawest and the sight of the palace of Nāgendra shows that he will be endowed with clairvoyance from birth. The heap of glittering jewels signifies that he will be possessed of all divine attributes, while the smokeless conflagration that thou sawest indicates that he willburn up all the host of karmas that hold the soul in bondage and subject one to transmigration. The additional dream that was seen by thee indicates that Sri R sabha Devaji has been conceived in thine womb !
(Somadeva) - Somadeva was the author of Yasodhara mahārājacarita or Yašastilaka campu, Saņ ņavatiprakarana, Mahendramātali-samjalpa and Yukticintamanis utra. Somadeva gives a fair amountof information about himself at the end of Yašastilaka. He belonged to an order of Jaina monks known as Devasamgha and was the disciple of Nemideva, who was the disciple of Yaśodeva. Somadeva goes on to say that the Kävya, that is Yašastilaka was composed in Šaka 881 (959 A.D.), the cyclic year being Siddhartha, on the Madanatrayodasi day in the month of Caitra, when Krsnarājadeva was extending hissway at Melpați, after having vanquished the Pāndya, Cola, Cerama (i.e. cera), Ceylonese and other kings. Yas. 1-2