(343) Samparāyika - Filip - Mun- Sara - HR - Gist, Epitome. dane inflow, Strategic.
sārthaka - pretop - Significant. Samvyavahärika - sjevelf -Con- sarūpya - France - Co-ordination. ventional. :
Sarvabhaumika - सार्वभौमिक - Unisamvyavab ärika pratyakșa · versal. सांव्यवहारिक प्रत्यक्ष - Practical percep- Sarvabhaumikata - सार्वभौमिकता - tion.
Hegemony. Sānutkumāra - (Arrer) - Sānat- Sarva kā lika - Hradhattan - Eternal. kumār is the natural name of the lord.
Hifayre 379477 - Extraordinary per"Aạ" is used in the sense of “his habi
fect vow, in which the soul can go tation' Sanatkumāra kalpa. By asso
beyond the 7th stage. This the soul can ciation with it the lord also is called
do along two ladders, subsidential ladSānatkumāra.
der or destructive ladder. Sandratama - HIST674 - Steeped in Saudharma - - The lord who is
associated with Saudharma Kalpa is Sandhāra prāsāda - Fraenr yrAIG - called Saudharma.
S-4/19 Temple with ambulatory.
Saudharma kalpa - Har as ry - sā n karya - Hotel - Intermixture. Saudharma is the name of council chamsamkhya - Fier - Which holds that
ber. That which has this chamber in it bondage and liberation, happiness and
is called Saudharma Kalpa. S-4/19 misery merely are in Prakrti. They do Sauksmya - (ATLET) - Fineness - not effect the soul or Puruşa.
Fineness is of two kinds extreme and Sākhyak ārikā is the earliest work
relative. Extreme fineness is found in available on the Sāmkhyasystem. Max
the indivisible atoms. Instances of relaMuller, however, thinks that the
tive fineness are the wood-apple, myTattvasam āsa is the earliest.
robalan, Plum etc.
S-5/24 Sānta - HIRT - Transcient, Finite.
Savarana - HIRUT - Carpeted. Santara - HITT - Discontinuous.
Sasadana gunasthana . सासादन Sāntara mārgaņā - AR Arfon -
गुणस्थान- The second spiritual stage of
downfall, Downfall belief, Downfall With interval soul quests.
control station. Santaranirantara vargana. सान्तर
Sasadanasamyagdrsti • सासादन Fire The afort - Internon-inter molecule.
Hepsie - That karma which flows into Santaratā. HITRI - The presence
the soul chiefly on account of false of a gap or lack of continuousness.
belief, is cut off in the case of the rest. Sānubandha yoga - HECHT ZUM -
Hence stoppage of that karma prevails Continuous yoga.
in the beings from the second stage of Sāpeksa - Art - Relativistic. spiritual development, namely 'downSāpekşatva - H - Relativism. fall' (Sāsādanasamyagdr sti). S-911