Samvega--Cultivate awe at the misery ofworldly existence, perpetual fear of cycle of existence or transmigration.
Samvrta - Samvrta is that which is covered well. That which cannot be seen is called covered or hidden. S-2/32 Samvyavaharana dosa - संव्यहरण दोष - Taking food when the giver pulls or drags about plates and the like without due care.
Samyama sāmācari - संयम सामाचारी - Deportment qua self restraint. Samyoga-Contact, conjunc
Samyogaja bhāva - संयोगज भाव Incidental sentiments.
Sam yojana - Setting. Samyojana dosa - संयोजना दोष Mixing up hot things with cold ones (i.e. those with cold ones) i.e. those that have ceased to besterile of life.
Samyojanatmaka Compositional.
Samyojita • संयोजित - Devised. Samjvalana Kas Āya - संज्वलन कषाय - Flurescent affection.
Samketa--Symbol, significa
- Deviation.
Samskara - Impression.
Sam's leṣa Close union. Sa in 's les abandha - संश्लेषबन्ध - Physical bond.
Samsayasama संशय समा - Parity per
Samsaya vidhi - संशय विधि - Method of debate/doubt.
Samsaya vyudasa संशय व्युदास Dispelling all questions. Samyama Self restraint or discipline. Desisting form injury to life principles and sensual pleasure while engaged in careful activity is self restraint or discipline. S-9/6 Samyama-- To restrain oneself from undesirable activities towards living beings and control one's senses is samyama. S-6/12 Samyama - संयम Observance of vows (the five vratas, non-injury etc.), preservation of careulness (of 5 kinds in walking etc., Samiti), Subduing of passions (anger etc., the four Kasayas) renunciation of activities (of mind, body and speech-Dan da) and the conquest of five senses (Indriya) is called control (Samyama) G.J. 465 संयमभाव कब होता है - By the operation of intense perfect right conduct-preventing passion (बादर संज्वलन कषाय in the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th spiritual stages); and by the operation of mild (Sūkṣma greed in the 10th stage); and by the subsidence (in the 11th) and destruction (in the 12th spiritual stage) of the deluding () verily rises the thought activity of control (Samyama). यथाख्यात संयम कैसे होता है - Ideal and passionless() control rises by the subsidence of deluding (Mohani ya karma in the 11th stage). And the same rises necessarily also by the destruction (of the deluding karmain the 12th stage). G. J. 239. Gatha 468