Sāmāyika, Chatur - vin sa stava, Vandana, Pratikramaņa, Vainayika, krti karma, Dashvaikālika, uttaradhyayana, kalpa-vyavahāra, kalpā-kalypa, Mahakalpa, Punḍar ika, Mahā - punḍar ika and Niṣddhikā. G.J. 206. Gāthā - 367-68. श्रुतज्ञान और केवलज्ञान की समानता (Viewed) as knowledge (full) scriptural and perfect knowledge, both are equal; but scriptural knowledge is indirect (Parok şa) and perfect knowledge (is) direct (Pratyak şa).
GJ. 206. Gāthā - 369. श्रुतिनिश्रित तथा अश्रुतनिश्रित (Śrutani śrita and A śrutani śrita). That (cognition) which at present is devoid of verbal association and belongs to one whose intellect has been previously trained by the (study of the) scripture is śrutani śrita. The opposite of it is anisrita.
श्रुत के तीन भेद - ( Three kinds of scriptural knowledge). The Śruta or scriptural knowledge is of three kinds, viz. : 1. False hearing or knowledge (Mithyā śruta), such as that derived from the scripture of the bad Tirthikas. 2. hearing of one sided method (Naya śruta), that is, the knowledge derived from that part of the Jaina scripture which teaches us to comprehend things from any particular standpoint; and 3. Hearing of all sided method (Syād-vādaśruta), that is, the knowledge derived from that part of the Jaina scripture which teaches us to comprehend things from all-sided standpoints.
N. 30. (page 25-26).
श्रुतज्ञान के प्रकार - (Types of śruta Jnana) - The Avasyakaniryukti says that the types of srutaj ff ana are as many as the number of letters and their various combinations, and as such it is not possible to enumerate all the types. Anir 17-18.
श्रुतज्ञान की 14 प्रमुख विशेषतायें - (Fourteen salient characteristics of
Śrutaj fana)- Aksara-alphabet), Samjfin- (discursive or cognitive or scriptural), Samyak (right), Sadika (having beginning), Saparyavasita (Having end), Gamika (Containing repetitions) and an gapravișta (included in the original scripture) with there opposites viz. Anak şara, asanjffin etc. Srutajana - That which appertains to temporal matters and one sided views is called wrong scriptural knowledge. From this spiritual point of view all literature and teaching of matters relating to the commission, as well as the prevention and detection of offences, literature of fiction and impossible stories, propagation of doctrines which can not be established by logical arguments and all light vulgar and obscene literature are all instances of wrong scriptural knowledge.
Sruta deva - श्रुत देव - The scripture deity.
Śruta jana--Verbal testimony, Scriptural knowledge.
Sruta-apramanya - श्रुत- अप्रमाण्यDenial of authority of Veda. Śrutajnana - Laukika, Alaukika - श्रुतज्ञान - लौकिक, अलौकिक - Scriptural knowledge-Universal, Post Universal: