3. स्थापना अक्षर - Representation of संघात समास - The intermediate grades sounds by letters is the letter represen- between Padand ufanfaare (Sanghata tation (Sthāpanā Ak sara). G.J. 194. Samāsa). पद - Foot.
प्रतिपत्तिसमास- Theintermediategrades पद के भेद - Foot or Pada isof3kinds- between प्रतिपत्ति and अनुयोग are called 1. 37e4c - Meaning foot - A combi- Pratipatti Samāsa प्रतिपत्ति समास. nation of letters which conveys some
G.J. 196. meaning as “bring fire” 34fi74 3779". Wara - Prābbrta Prābhrta “Be2. WAIT YG – Measure foot - a fixed yond” Anuyoga(scriptural knowledge) number of letters or syllables necessary countaining 14 soul quests ( HT10 let. for a particular kind of combination in ters being added (one by one as before) prose or poetry, such as, “I bow to the upto the four an
upto the four and other Anuyogas (we Lord Mahavira (74: st TR4). have) sa mga Here the foot consists of letters, form
G.J. 197. ing a fourth part of verse of the metre अनुयोगसमास-The intermediate grades called Anustupa.
between Anuyoga and Prābh rata. 3.मध्यम पद-Middle foot. Itcomprises
Prābbrta are called Anuyoga Samāsa. 1634, 83, 07, 888 letters. This Pada is
प्राभृत प्रामृत समास - The intermediate used as a unit of measurement, in describing the contents of the different
grades between Prābhrta Prābhrta and Angas or parts of the scriptural knowl
Prābhria are called Prābbrta-Prābhrta edge.
G.J. 194.
Samāsa. Hann - One foot (96) - increasing
T - Beyond Prābhrta Prābhrta upto numerable thousand (Padas), the
(scriptural knowledge) letters (being increase of letters being one by one,
added) successively (as before) up to 24 constitutes the division of scriptural a 9147 (there) is the "Prābhrta”. (knowledge) named siia.
G.J. 197. Gatha - 342. G.J. 195. Gāthā - 337. arg afats - Each chapter (fr) CE FAITH – The internediate grades of 20 Prābhrtas (makes) one Vastu between (Pada) and (Sanghāta) (foot Adhikāra. Ten, fourteen, eight, eighand division) are Pada - Samāsaor foot teen, twelve, twelve, sixteen, twenty, class.
G.J. 196.
thirty, fifteen, ten in 4 each (are the
thirty ufrufet - Beyond the division numbers of) vastus (in the 14 Pūrvas). (Sanghāta) scriptural (knowledge),
G.J. 198. Gatha - 343. containing description of one of the
atga qar - Utpāda pūrva, four conditions of existence (letters being added one by one) as before up Agrāyan iya, Virya - pravāda, Astito the number of numerable thousand
Nasti-pravada, Jirāna-pravada, Satya (FETT) (Divisions), (We have) · Dravāda, Āima- pravāda, Karma - Pratipatti. “part" (Scriplural knowl
pravāda, Pratyāk-hyāna. edge).
G.J. 196.