Antarakaranadravya अन्तरकरणद्रव्यInterval operation fluent. Anābhigrahika mithyādarśana - 3711 uro fixa - Indiscrminate faith in the veracity of each and every view: Antarala-37 TRIST - Intermediatecompartment between shrine and man dapa. Anābhogakriya - 37714mshell is laying the body etc. on the ground without examining or cleaning it (i.e. without taking care that there are no organisms). These are five activities. S-6/4 Anabhoga mithyadrsana - अनाभोग fegyfa - What is due to the incapac- ity of the mind to think and is found in such organisms as have not developed all the sense organs. Ana bhoga - 37719M - Forgetfulness. Anacara - 3TIFER - If a result of an offence is freely enjoyed without any compunction, it is anācara, Excessive attachment to the pleasures of the world. Anadara- अनादर - Lack of reverence or earnestness. Anadi - 37If - Beginningless, Devoid of beginning. Anadikāla - Balanta – Beginningless period. Anādeya - 3471124 - Lustreless body. Anādeya - 371144 - Non-impressive genetic code. Anādeya nāma karma - 377144 74 कर्म- That which is the cause of a lustreless body is anādeya nāma karma.
S-8/11 Anādinidhana - 37ff999 - Neither beginning nor end. Anāgata - 37NA - Future.
Anā gataj ñ ayaka śarī ra noagama dravya - 3771TA FIRMAR 113711454Future knower body quasi revelation fluent. Anagata jinayaka sarī ra antara -
Fala 140 R 37R - Future knower body interval. Anāgata jñā yaka śarī ra alpabahutva- अनागत ज्ञायक शरीर अल्पबहुत्व - Future Knower body comparability. Anagata jñ ayaka sarira kāla - 371 514 R Art - Future knower body time. Anāgata jñāyaka śarī ra kşetra - अनागत ज्ञायक शरीर क्षेत्र - Future knower body quarter. Anā gata jñāyaka sarira krti - 3771G E14 Rafa - Future knower body figuration. Anāgata jñ ayaka sar i ra nikṣepa. अनागत ज्ञायक शरीर निक्षेप - Future knower body installation. Anāgata jñāyaka sarira bhāva - 37116 57244 PRET 1979 - Future knower body phase. Anagata jn ayaka sar i ra man gala -3FIMA FIR4 R 4667 - Future knower body decomposer. Anagatajñāyaka śar i rasparsana -अनागतज्ञायकशरीर स्पर्शन -FutureKnower body touch. Anagata pratyakhyana - अनागत
10419 - Anticipation. Anagatā viksaņa-3471ATu - Anticipation.