His prose : 1. Guru Vāņi (Sermons of Guru) 2. Pravachana - Pārijāta (Sermons of Celestial flower) 3. Pravacan Prameya (Sermons seek- ing spiritual knowledge) 4. Pravacan Samgraha (Collected Speeches) Over and above these he has translated several books into Hindi Verse. Some of them are the works of Ācārya Kunda - Kunda, such as. Samayas āra and Niyamas āra andother are Samaņa-Sutta etc. ‘Mooka-Māti' is a poem par excellence. It is very original both in thought, pattern and presentation which conveys the quitessence of Jainism. It brings spiritual life to entire humanity. His literacy acumen is both multidimensional and covers almost all aspects of life revealing the mystery of human life transcending sorrow and joy, bondage and liberation. While preaching, he culls in all examples and analogies from the day to day life, which delve directly in the mind and heart of his followers: Ācārya has illustrious disciples treading on this glorious path of spiritual sādhanā. He bas a vast number of lay devotees who draw religious and spiritual inspiration from the sacred sermons of their prophetic Guru Ācārya Vidyāsāgar. Acārya Vidyāsägar lays great stress on the all round developmentof man in which imbibing of the three cardinal virtues or the three jewels, popular in Jain tradition are very important. They are Right Belief (Samyak Daršana)
Right knowledge (Samyak Jiāna) and Rightconduct (Samyak Cāritra). These are the fundamental qualities which mankind should inculcate in life. Then alone they can advance towards the goal of ultimate spiritual knowledge and release. Ācārya Vidyāsāgar is a tapasvi of the highest order and at the same time a rare intellectual of vast erudition. He is a saint, with child-like immaculate simplicity and has spiritual aura that sheds kindly light on all devotees and spiritual seekers. Those who meet him return inspired and illumined.
" Tegd acuirfaran" Vidyut - fasse - Thunderbolt. Vigraha - Fauen - Hindered, Bent, Not straight Vigarhaniya - विगर्हणीय - worthy of condemnation. Vigrahagati - faueulfat - Soul taking uterine birth, Passage of transmigration, Transit from one body to another, transmigratory motion. Vigrahagati - fausrifa - Motion for the sake of body is vigrabagati or vigraha is obstructed state or condition (In the course of transit from one body to another, though Karma is taken, quasi Karma (No Karma) matter is blocked. Motion with this blocking is called vigrahgati.
S-2/25 Viha vnosti na ma karma. fasrulufa नाम कर्म - That which causes movement in space is the name - karma of movement - It is of two kinds - graceful manner and awkward manner of motion.
S - 8/11 Vijātīya -fasticita - Heterogeneous.