(284) believer endowed with love and devo- Vedi -61 - Plinth, Pedestal, Sanctum. tion to the true path.
Vetrāsana - 14 - Cane seat. Väta valaya. a 174 - Air envelop. Vedaka samyaktva . 26Felaka - Vatavalaya - Ghanodadhi, Ghana,
Destructive subsidential right belief. Tanu-anania - arafa, 57, 79 - Air Vedana bhibhava . dcfigna - En. envelop - Dense water, dense, thin.
durance of pain. Vāyavya - aptal - East west length. Velana kāra-ATHAR - Cylindrical. Vāyu .org - Air.
Venudeva and Veradhari . वेणुदेव Väyu kaya . ar asta - Air bodied. Tem ageri. - These are two lords of Veda- - Sex inclination, Sex, sign, Suparnakumāras. S - 446 knowledge, One of the four scriptures Vibhasyavāda - fayang - Condiof Hindus.
tional expressions, The method of criti- Veda - The veda that pleases the cal analysis. wise is not the one wbich causes the
Vibhakta . for 94 - Screened. destruction of all creatures in sacri
Vibhakti - faref - Case ending. fices, but the one which clearly makes known the difference between the body
Vibhanga Jn ana-Fy 1-Knowland the soul.
edge which is opposed to visual knowlVedaka. agat - pathos, Feeler, Pa
edge, which is destructive subsidential thetic.
(क्षायोपशमिक) Knowledge and is the
cause of karma is wrong visual knowlVeda pani - वेदपाठी - Hymnist.
edge (vibha nga). Veda - Dravya / Bhāva. Ta - 509 /
Vibhangāvadhi- fanprafa - Errone979 - Sex - fluent / Phase.
ous clairvoyance, wrong clairvoyance. Apagata veda - arata - Beyond
Vibhanga Joana. faut - Errosex.
neous clairvoyance Veda märgana . ta - Sex Vibhāsa - faren - Commentary. wayward.
Vibhava-faya - Contrary modificaVedanā - Anquish, Pathos,
tion, contradistinction. Feeling.
Vibhāvaguna. farangu - Extrinsic Vedani ya.agrire - Feeling. Feels or
qualities. is felt by this is feeling.
Vibhava darsana-विभावदर्शन - NonVedaniyakarma- वेदनीय कर्म - Feel
natural intuition. ing producing karmas, Pathos func- Vabhāva parin aman- fara yfirumtional.
Unfavourable fructification. Vedana samudghata - वेदना समुद्घात Vibhinna - forf 49 - Component. - Pain overflow.
Vibhu - fau - All pervasive. - Vedika -aicot - Railing, Balustrade, Vibbūti - faufa - Splendour, AffluCompound wall.