(279) Vaiyāvrtya-44a4a-Respectful ser- Vandana - JGTI - Bowing, The cervice to the saints.
emonial and humble greeting of the Vaiyā vrtya. M eni - Service is the spiritual teacher. help rendered to the saints in difficulty Vanaspatikāya - qrufa aita - Vegby bodily activity or with things. etable bodied.
S - 9/20 Vapu - ay - Physique. Vaiyavrttakaraṇa : dequatur - Varada - 02-Hand-Gesture(mudrā) Hence any obstacles that threaten the of bestowing boon. ascetic are removed. this is removal of Varadamudra- t-Gift bestowobstacles, when suffering is imminent
ing attitude. to the virtuous ascetics, it is warded off
Varddhamana - AG - Ever inby proper methods. S-6/24
creasing. Vaiyāvrtyakaraṇa . quapau -
Varan dikā .a{fuschl - The member Serving the meritorious by warding off evil suffering.
or setofmouldings separating the janghā Vajra - 90 - Thunderbolt, Adaman
from the śikhara. .. tine.
Varaya tara UE - Wedding proVajranārāca . orria - The less
cession. perfect joint.
Varga - auf - Variate, Square, CatVajravrşabhan ārā casamhanana -
Varga - auf - The bundle of potencies वज्रवृषभनाराचसंहनन - The perfect joint
incorporated in a single indivisible atom noted for extraordinary sturdiness and
which forms the basis of karmic matter. strength.
Varga - dhara - qof - ERT - Square Vakra - as - Arch.
sequence. Vakrakāra ashloor - Curvilinear,
Vargakaragrha - वर्गाकार गृह -RounCubical, Flexed.
del Vakrarekh i ya asioita - Curvilin
Vargamū la · abget - Square root. ear, Cubical.
Vargaņā - aforn - Name of molecule Vakratā.. Chill - Crookedness.
of infinite atoms, Variform Vaktavya . athol - Explicable.
Vagaņā - anfon - The type of karmic Vaktavyatā.qporn - Explication. molecules constituted by a number of Valaya - acte - Envelope, Zone, ring. vargas or karmic atoms. Vallari.geopet - Scroll
Vargaņā Agrahaņa-apfen - 344801Valā paka-041416 - Covered stepped
Variform - Non-acceptable. entrance.
Vargaņā - Dhruva sünya - apofon - Vamsapatra - 49148 - Bamboo leaf.
a VR - Variform Pole vaccum. Vana khanda-cho's - Forest grove. Varga - salākā . officia - Log. Vanaspati - qqeufa - Plant life.