the second hetu pades ikā (discriminating) and the (Drṣtiva dopade's iki (backed by scriptural knowledge). Those who possess these samjnas are called samjnis. The śrutajnana possessed by these sa mjins is samji śruta.
S.J.P. 50
असंज्ञीश्रुत - ( Asamjni Sruta) The
asa mjn ins also fall in three categories. The mind is the organ of thinking. The more developed the mind is the more one is capable of thinking. Those whose mind is weak and incapable of thinking fall in the first category of asa mjffins. Those who are totally devoid of mind and live on mere instincts fall in the second category of asa mjffins. Again those who believe in false scriptures and thus possess perverted knowledge fall in the third category of asa mjffins. Srutajnana possessed by the asa mjn ins is asamjni sruta.S.J.P.50. सम्यक् श्रुत तथा मिथ्या श्रुत (Samyaka sruta and mithya śruta) - The twelve fold gan ipitaka (scriptures compiled by the Ganadharas containing Acaranga, sūtrakṛtāṇga etc. is Samyaka-sruta (right scripture) while the other books such as Bharata, Ramayana, the Vedas etc. are enumerated as mithya sruta (false scriptures). S.P.J. 51
द्रव्यश्रुत तथा भावश्रुत (Dravya sruta and Bhava sruta) - Dravya sruta is the exponent of thinking while bhavas ruta is such thinking itself.
.P.J. 52.
Aksaya rasi-- Inexhaustible set.
Aksata puja - अक्षत पूजा - Offering raw rice.
Aksava taka - अक्षवाटक - Arena. Aksepa Kriya - अक्षेप क्रिया - Activity of non withholding the effect. Akusala अकुशल - Immoral. Alaksya - अलक्ष्य Indefinable. Alankarana rahita - अलङ्करण रहित - Monolithic, Unpretentious.
Alaukika Ganita - अलौकिक गणित Non-Universal mathematics. Not gain.
Lack of gain.
Alabha - अलाभ
Alabha - अलाभ
Alata cakra
अलात चक्र
- Supersensuous,
Alaukika-3 Transcendental, Other worldly. Alaukikapratyaksa - अलौकिक प्रत्यक्षTranscendental perception.
Alesya--Free from coloration. Alinga grahana अलिङ्ग ग्रहण Beyond inferential mark. Alobha Absence of greed. Aloka - Alokākāsa - अलोकाकाश - Non-Universe space.
- Non universe.
Alpabahutva - अल्पबहुत्व - Quantity, Comparability.
AlpabahutvaSthana - अल्पबहुत्व स्थानComparability station.
Alpahimsa--Trifling injury. Alpa parigraha - अल्प परिग्रह - Slight
Alparambha - अल्पारम्भ
Slight in