(256) To fra mit Sentulfat – (Upward move- Mukti - foto - Liberation. ment of Mukta Jiva) - Why the Atman Mukutabaddha rājā - Eco 751 - moves upwards is explained by the Crown feudatory kings. following three reasons - (1) a TOGG - Muni - f9 - Male ascetic, A monk. Bandh accheda - Just as the seed of
Municakravarti - मुनि चक्रवर्ती - The castor oil jumps up once the shell is
Emperor among the munis. broken similarly when the shell of
Muscranit - (Mun dakevalin) - In case karmic matter is broken, the Ātman
having developed disgust for the worldly goes upwards. (2) Asa n gabhāva - Just
existence and faith in the path of religias an alābuka (a particular type of
osity one thinks exclusively of one's melon) floats up in waters once the
own release from the worldly existence covering mud is removed, so also the one will (eventually) become a Atman floats up to the highest level of Mundakevalin (lit. a shaven headed cosmos, once the covering of karmic omniscient) who acts just for one's sake. matter is removed. (3) Tathā
Yoga. 290. gatipariņāma - The nature of Jiva is Muni dharma - HIFATETY - Religion of to move upwards. Just as there is no naked or possessionless saint. further explanation as to why fire is hot,
Mun ind
The Indra among so also there is no further explanation
the ascetics. for this.
fran - (Muni - Suvrata) - MuniReality of Siddha Jiva - The Siddha Jiva is real and not non-existing (as
Suvrata is the 20th Tirthařkara who is believed by other scriptures) and is
said to have been born in the month of never destroyed for four reasons (1)
Vaisakha on the second day of the dark FOTO - Svalak sana - The quality of half of the month. He was born at sepecific and general knowledge is at
Rajag rha or Kusagranagar. His father all times and hence is also there is was Sumitrarāja while Padmāvat i was Mok.a. (2) Svatah artha - siddha -
the name of his mother. His emblem
was tortoise. He attained salvation on These qualities are the nature of Ātman
the mount Pārsvanātha on the 12th (Just as one cannot ask why the nature
day of the dark half of the month of of fire is to be hot, similarly one can not
Phālguna. Dr. Kāmatā pras āda has reask the question why the Ātman has
ferred to the mention of Kūrma - Rși these qualities). (3) 9101TR Highlfa
in the Rgveda (2.3.27-32) as also to his (Bhāvāntara Samkrānti) - in this teachings whichitis possible to identify world nothing is destroyed, it merely with this Tirthāṁkara. He also refers changes or undergoes a transforma
to Kūrma purāņa. Com. 35. tion, Hence a Siddha Jiva can never be Mūla - C - Predominate, Root Pridestroyed. (4) Sarvaj fľavacana - be- mary, Orginal Square root. cause the ommiscient has said so.