ing "I am Indra." Each Ahamindra knows and realizes that he is an Indra (Lord) himself, and has no lords above him. They treat one another as absolute equals. The Ahamindras take food once in thirty three thousand years and breathe after thirty three fortnights. They pass no excrements, and are not liable to per spire. The amount of the food taken is. much less than in the lower heavens. The size of an ahamindra is one cubit, but his body is resplendent and symmetrical and ugliness of feature and form is unknown. All the Ahamindras are gentle, dispassionate and usually wise.
R. Page - 48. Ahetu - 3 Tag - Fallacy. Ahetuka - 376006 - Conditionless, Not rooted in tendencies. Ahetusama - 37654441 - Parity per non-probativeness. Ahigati - stufa - Snake motion. Ahimsa - 31€ HT - Non-injury. Ahimsa - 3116 - The first and fore. most among the Jaina vows, meaning abstention from slaughter, injury or harm. Ahimsa -3fHI - The non-appearance of attachment and other passion is ahimsa.
Pu. 44 There never is himsā when vitalities are injured, if a person is not moved by any kind of passion and is carefully following right conduct. Pu. 45 Ahora tra - BTENUTE - Thirty minutes. Aja - 376 - Unborn. Ajāta - 375118 - Unborn. Ajara - 345R - A liberated soul.
Aji va-37519 - Non-soul, Non living. Space, time, matter, the principle of motion and that of rest, these have no life principle in them. They are absolutely without consciousness. There is thought or consciousness only in Jiva. Whatever such attributes of life arenever foundas the feeling of pleasure and pain desiring only the beneficial activity and avoiding the harmful activity that the wise ones call Ajiva or non-life. 3751a at Ata - (The varieties of Ajiva)Ajīva should be known to be Pudgala, Dharma, Adharma, Akāśa and Kāla. Pudgala has form and the qualities, Rūpa, etc. But the restare withoutform.
Dr. 14. Ajiva Kaya - अजीव काय - Non living corpus. Ajiva Padartha - अजीव पदार्थ - Non living corpus. . Aji va vicaya - 357a fae4 - Respecting the nature of Karmas. Ajna - 3751 - Ignorant one. Ajnana - 37519 - Wrong knowledge, lonorance Nescience Jonorant attitude Ignorance, Nescience, Ignorantattitude. Ajñāna Cetana - 37514 # - Nescient consciousness. Karma cetan ā and karma phala cetan a constitute the seed for samsara, because they form really the cause of Eight kinds of karmas which form the causal condition of samsara. Therefore the person who wants to attain moks a must destroy these two forms of Aj ñan ā ætan ā. Ajnana mithyatva- अज्ञान मिथ्यात्व - Incapacity to examine what is good and what is not good to oneself is ignorant.