Mahātaporddhi - 46161415 - The and Vāyubhūti, were also erudite schol. acquisition of the power to undertake ars of Vedic faith and they too had their the greatest forms of asceticism. doubts clarified. Mahaskandha vargana . महास्कन्ध ।
Besides these three brothers, there were
eight other Brahmin and K satriya scholarfon, Grand molecular variform.
ars who were similarly attracted by the Mahasthan dila - महास्थण्डिल - The
preachings of Mahāvira and they too selection of cemetery.
became converts to bis faith along with Mahātapa rddhi- 480YWOS-Grand
their disciples. They are Suddharmā, austerity prodigy.
Mauryaputra, Maundryaputra, MaitrMahātmā - H6179 - A great or pious
eya, Akampana, Aulaka and Prabhava. soul.
Of these Ganadharas, Indrabbūti, Mahāvira - Helat - Twenty fourth Gautama was the wisest and possessed Tirthamkara of the jainas, a senior : sound powers of exposition. He therecontemporary of Gautama Buddha.
fore, became the first Ganadhara who महावीर के गणधर - The apostles of
not only interpreted the sermons of
Mahā vira but also reduced them to Mahāvīra - Ganadharas interpreted
writing. the principles of Bhagawāna
Of the eleven Ganadharas only two of Mahāvi ra after he bad started preach- them, Gautama and Sudharmā, suring his gospelon attainingomniscience.
vived Mabā vi ra while the rest of them The first scholar to do this work was Indrabhūti Gautama. He was abrahmin
adopted the vow of Sallekbanā at difwell-versed in vedic-lore. He enter
ferent times at Rājagrha and attained tained some doubts about the interpre
salvation. tation of some metaphysical principles.
Com 45-46 On hearing of the omniscient lord, he महावीर निर्वाण के बाद - AfterNirvana went to him to know what was meant of Mahāvi ra, Indrabhūti Gautama by the six dravyas, the five astik āyas lived for about 12 years and attained and the seven principles etc. He was
omniscience. Sudharmā then assumed fully satisfied with the interpretation of
the spiritual leadership and be too atthose principles by the Tirthamkara. tained omniscience. He was followed Mahāvira preached what life was, by Jambūsvām i who was the last to what the meaning of karma was and attain omniscience. how karma was responsible for differ
After Jambūsvām i had attained salent births and rebirths. Indrabhu ti felt vation in 403 B.C. Prabhava continued enlightened and became aconvert along the leadership of Jaina thought and died with his five hundred disciples to the in 397 B.C. It was during his time that religion of Sramana. After this the two the two sects of Osvā la Jaina and brothers of Indrabhūti, viz., Agnibhūti Šrimāla Jaina arose. It may be noted