declared war on his brother Bahubali and in the terrible fight that followed, Bahubali was victorious. Even the discus of Bharata could do no harm to Bahubali. But Bahubali, though victorious, suddenly became lost in meditation, thinking of the vanity of this world. Bharata made obeisance to Bahubali and returned to his place; but Bahubali went to the summit of Kaila sa mountain, remained standing there (or according to another account stood on the very field of battle) in a statuesque posture for one year and the creepers. wreathing round the boughs of the trees on the bank clung to his neck and crowned his head with their
canopy and the blades of kusa-grass grew between his feet, and he became in appearance like an aunt hill. Subsequently Bahubali obtained absolute knowledge and became one of the keval is.
Dr. Introduction - xxviii-xxix Bāhya recana - बाह्य रचना External formation. The collection of matter, owing to the fruition of Physique-making karmas, in the particular shape in the space covered by the soul is external formation. S-2/17
Bala Novice.
Bāla tapa - बाल तप Austerities accompanied by perverted faith. Bāla tapa -- Ba la tapa is the observance by a person of perverted faith of austerities involving unscientific and terrible affliction of the body and characterized by fraudulent conduct. S-6/20
बालतप तथा बालव्रत If one performs austerities (tapas) or observes vows (vratas) without fixed contemplation on the supreme self, the all-knowing call all that childish austerity (ba latapa) and childish vow (balavrata). Jnana is the ultimate cause of Moksa or liberation. Whatever is done without the background of right knowledge will not achieve its ends. Imitation is a characteristic of the child. Whatever is done through imitation is certainly lacking in the inner background of knowledge. Hence imitative behaviour in the child can not have the sense effect as in the case of an adult individual. Such an imitative behaviour may be an amusing play and can not have any real significance. Similarly the performance of tapas and observance of Vratas without the necessary background of current knowledge will be merely imitative behaviour on the part of an ignorant person; hence would not produce the desisred goal or ideal. In order to expose the futility of imitative behaviour without the background of correct knowledge, the author calls them Baltapas and Balvratas. Bandhana-- A projected moulding dividing Jangha into the upper and lower sections.
बसतिका सम्बन्धी दोष - If the saintspends his night in a Basatika (a deserted or uninhabited place outside the inhabited area) he will look out for forty six kinds of faults which are similar in nature to the forty six faults that are to be avoided with reference to food and also the one termed अध:कर्म. Of these it is only necessary to enumerate the first sixteen