(210) . Pulāka - Yellen - The shrivelled i Punya jiva - yog ta - Meritorious Pulaka - galah - The saim whose souls. mind is slothful regarding the practice
पुण्य तथा पाप जीव - The Ji vas consist of the secondary vows, and who some
of punya and Pāpa surely having austimes lapses in perfect observance of even the primary vows is called pulāka
picious and inauspicious bhā vas (reon account of his resemblance to the
Dr. 38 empty or shrivelled grain. S-9/46 Punyasrava - youtaa - Spring of Punarjanma - Yo5f-Reincarnation, virtue. Whatever Ji va has desire and Punaralankrta • पुनरलङ्कृत - Re
noble thoughts, based on love and symembellished.
pathy and in whose mind there are no
evil impulses towards the same, the Punahsajjā -97:45 - Re-embellish
pure Karmic matter flow as conditioned ment.
by the above mentioned springs of righPunah pratis thita - ga: ufafon - Re
teousness. enshrined.
Puraskāra-geraar - Giving the place Punarnirmāņa - gaffufo - Renova
of honour or offering welcome. tion.
Purāņa - 7214 - Sacred history, WritPunarvišeșa - garanta - Remains.
ten or oral ancient tradition. Punarujj i vana - yangilan- Re-emer- Purā lekha - gusta - Epigraph. gence.
Purā tattva - gerara - Archaeology. Punarutthāna - Ytre-Resurgence. Puralipi - gerctra - Palaeography. Punarukta - 47001 - Repeatation. Puruşa - Yona - Spirit, A person of the Punarukti - Gotofan - Reiteration, male sex, Selves. Tautology.
Puruşa - yenu - Spiritual existence. Punya - quer - Merit.
Puruşaveda - 494 QG - Male sex Punya (yue) - Good will or pure inclination. thought is righteousness.
Purus artha - 97ef - Effort, Presever Punya - goer - The good variety of ance, Vitality. feeling producing karmas and the aus- Puruşarthasiddhyupāya · gourefpicious life, name and status-determin
सिद्ध्युपाय - A book written by Amrta ing karmas constitute merit (Punya).
Candra Sūri. This name is given to the Punya-Dravya, Bhāva - qu9-509,
treatise because it literally deals with 1- Merit-fluent, Phase.
the method of attaining the object of the पुण्य तथा पाप प्रकृतियाँ - Pun ya is soul. The object of the soul is the ridsātāvedani ya, inauspicius life, name
dance of all imperfection, due to its
contact with matters and the consequenand class, while Pāpa is exactly) the
tial evolution into ultimate perfection, opposite (of these). Dr. 38
the inherent quality of the soul. Punyah i na · queata - Wreiched.