(200) (a) manferican Fiz faytout - Pratyaksa - ppt - That which is Knowledge and its object are not (tran- characterised as free from all obstrucscendentally) real; this is an instance of tions and shines as the absolute is called the fallacious abode, in which the ex. (supreme or transcendental)perception; istence of the proven-phenomenon is it uniterruptedly illumines the nature of opposed to popular understanding. all objects.
N. 27 P. 6/44. Pratyaksa Jnana - 778511 - Direct (य)स्ववचन निराकृतसाध्य धर्म विशेषण- knowledge. Direct knowledge is the There is no pramāņa (i.e., the instru- knowledge perceived directly by the ment of knowledge); this is an instance soul in a vivid manner without the inof fallacious abode in which the exist- termediary of the senses or the scripence of the proven-phenomena is op- tures. This is of two kinds, direct knowlposed 10 one's own statement. P.6/45 edgeofa part of reality and direct knowl( 3 ) 37 a Firezrand fastaut - An edge embracing the entire reality.Clairunhholder of the theory of relativity voyance and telepathy belong to the i.e., Jaina says : 'A pitcher etc. are
first variety and perfect knowledge is of eternal or that they are non-eternal; this
second variety of direct knowledge. is an instance of the fallacious abode in
S-1/20 which the existence of the proven phe- Pratyaksa - #18 - The Jaina thinkers nomenon is undesired. P. 6/46 when they speak of Pratyaksa, donot Pramātā -4416 - The spirit (soul or
mean sense perception, which is the Jiva) is the knower, doer and enjoyer,
meaning given to the term by the other
Indian systems. Sense-perception or illumines self and others, undergoes
Pratyk sa according to the ordinary changes of condition, is realised only
meaning is called Parok sa by the Jaina in self-consciousness and is different
thinker because such knowledge is from earth etc. . N. 31
obtained through an intermediate inPramāņa-44147 - Organs of knowl
strument of sense organ and not directly edge, Valid Knowledge, Right Knowl- by the self. edge, Quantity of information, Mea
True F19 - That is Pratyak sa knowlsure.
edge which perceives (all) the non conPramadacarita - प्रमादा-चरित - Care
crete (things), among the concrete those less dealings, Negligent activity, In- (atoms etc.) that are beyond the scope toxicated activity:
of senses, those that are hidden and all Pramana ngula - 441190 - Mea- others that are related to substances and sure finger.
also that are not Pramāņa Nrpaya · 4419 farofa - trasfers that tr i - The senseFixing the size.
qualities of touch, taste, smell, colour Pramā ra-Pratyaksa / Paroksa ·
and sound have a reference to material 44109 TARTURIA - Right Knowledge
objects, the sense-organs can never grasp direct/ Indirect.
them simultaneously. The sense organs are of foreign stuff, they can never be