(190) Prakrti raman iya - santa muita - Pramāņa - 4419 - That which knows Picturesque.
rightly, that by whichanything is known Prakrti-Säntara-nirantara-sofa- or knowledge alone is pramā na.
S. 1/10 HITR/ FARCT - Configuration Discontinuous / continuous.
Pramā ņa · Valid knowledge is the
knowledge which illumines itself and Prakrti-Ubhaya / Yugapat uafa
other things without any obstruction. 399, 9746 - Configuration both, Si
N. 1 multaneous.
HUT - Pramā ņa - A pramā na takes Pudgala vipak i prakrti-yaralanait the whole of a real as its subject matter. uefa - Matter ripening configuration.
Sapta - P. 19
A total comprehension of reality is the Bhavavipaki prakrti - भावविपाकी
knowledge of the Prama na type. uefa-Birth to death ripening configu
Sapta - P. 19 ration.
प्रमाण- Theknowledgeofreality which Praksepa - 7874 - Projection.
enlightens the wbole of it simultaneously Prakṣepaka - 44 - Projector.
is the Prama na. Praksepabhāgahāra - 499-MER- WAT 7811 747 519 KPET - Relation Proportionate divisor.
between the naya and Pramāna types Pramattasamyata • प्रमत्तसंयत - The
of knowledge - A pramā na has a difAscetic of sixth spiritual stage. Those
ferent taste (essence) from the aggrewho perform their duties, but who are
gate of nayas. Paicā, Verse 675. subject to fifteen faults, Non vigilant,
Negation is preceded by affirmation Imperfect self control Imperfectly regu
and affirmation bynegation. The knowllated
edge which comprehends the union of Pramatta yoga-प्रमत्त योग-Passionate
the two is the Prama na. vibrations.
Paicā - 665. Pramatta yoga - 44 UMT - Pramatta
A naya is not admitted as an antithesis connotes passion. The person actuated
of a Pramāna because it embodies a by passion is pramatta. The activity of such a person is pramatta yoga.
type of knowledge. It is a part of the S. 7/13
Pramā nas. A nayais neither a Pramā na Pramattavirata - प्रमत्त विरत - Imper
nor an antithesis of Pramā na, being
free from contradiction. fect vow. Pramada - YHTG - negligence.
(Naya - verse 10) Pramada - 4416 - Negligence, It is
Nayas are the parts of the Pramā nas. included in misinterpreting the injunc
śloka 1.6.5. tions and indifference to observe them.
प्रमाण की परिभाषा - In the Jaina tradiIt is indifference to laudable activities. tion Siddhasena Diva kara and Ācārya
S. 8/11 Samantabhadra define valid cognition
by pointing out that it is its nature to