प्रदेश - That portion of Akā's a which is obstructed by one indivisible atom is known as Pradesa. Dr. page-29. प्रदेश – Prade'sa is obstructed by one indivisible atom of Pudgala and can give space to all particles. Dr. 27
Pradesa - प्रदेश (Indivisible, inseprable parts) - The indivisible parts of a substance are called "Prade'sas". They are thought only in imagination. In any particular soul there are innurmerable pradesas; and any particular dravya has many prade sas (The atom has no prade sas.) In every prade sa there are infinite capacities of performing common action in innumerable ways of acting together. In innumerable ways. "Capacity refers to the future, capacities are future modifications.
Jainism not Atheism P. 25 Pradesa--Prade 'sas are indivisible units, atoms. Pradeśa bandha - प्रदेशबन्ध - Space bondage of separate spiritual shifting, Point bond, Particle bond. Pradesa bandha - प्रदेश बन्ध - Determining the quantity of karmas is spacebondage. S-8/3 प्रदेशबन्ध That is, the number of karmic molecules which attach to the soul.
Prades atva - - Pointedness. Prades odaya-- Non affecting rise, Point rise.
Pradeśa pracayatva - प्रदेश प्रचयत्व Multitude of space points. Pradosa - When someone is giving an exposition of true knowl
edge, which is the means to the attainment of liberation, another person is spiteful and malignant in his attitude towards it. This is spite. S-6/10 Pradhanata प्रधानता - Preeminence.
Pradipta -- Glowing. Pradhvansābhāva - प्रध्वंसाभाव - Subsequent/post/posterior non existence. Praphulla - Jubilant. Praganana anuyoga dvāra - प्रगणन अनुयोगद्वार - Mathematical measure study. Prahina - - Suppressed. Prajnaptif- Sum of opinion. Prajaptisat- प्रज्ञप्ति सत् - Subjective
Prajna-Wisdom, Reasoning, Extra ordinary learning, Intuition. Prajnapani -- Informatory. Praj naśramana rddhi - प्रज्ञाश्रमण ऋद्धि- Intellect ascetic prodigy. Prakarana --Discursive treatise, Expository treatise.
Prakarana sama - प्रकरणसम - Countervalid.
Prakara nasama प्रकरण समा Parity per neutralisation. Prakata
Prakatata - प्रकटता
Prakāra prakāri bhava - प्रकार प्रकारी
Substance attribute relation.
- Emerged.
Prakasa - Illumination.
Prakasa sakti - प्रकाश शक्ति - Light energy.
Praka sa svabhava - प्रकाश स्वभाव Luminous nature. Prakasamana - प्रकाशमान - Resplendent.