(182) Tur Tuta - In the view of indissolubly intimate) as it is between um āsvāti : Substance is possessed of a thing and its nature. The difference qualitiesand modifications (गुणपर्ययवद्
consists in the peculiar nature of each
and the identity in their (coinmon)abode. 5044). In contrast with siddhasena's
A real has been observed in Jaina onto view that refet comprehends, and is logy to be an enfoldment of the permaanother symbol (FIFILTRA) for, guņa, nent and the changing elements within he categorically declares that पर्याय is its being. Whether the changing elenot merely different symbol, but also a
ment is comprehensive and unitary distinct ( 479174) existing, along with
(3746) concept, designated by Divākara qui in the substance.
as Paryāya, or a dual (ta) concept, Akalamka, for instance, holds at once
designated by Divākara as Paryāya or that Guņas themselves are, or are iden- a dual (TG) concept consisting of two tical with paryāyas. (ango ya distinct elements known as guna and eft:) and that they (Gunas) are also
Paryāya, it does not impair the basic
structure of the real in so far as it (the a distinct category from Paryāyas, a fact which is sanctioned, according to
changing element) remains an insepa
rable complement of permanence. This Akalamka, by scriptural authority
approach has been envisaged by (गुणाभावादयुक्तिरिति चेनार्हतप्रवचनहृदयादिषु
Vādideva who endeavours to combiine JulyGir).
the two elements in his Vādideva approaches the problem un- Bhedābhedavāda in which Bheda is der consideration on the same lines as, represented severally by the peculiar but more consistently than : "The ques
nature (स्वरूपापेक्षया) of guna and of tion may be asked, "he abserves," Why
Paryāya and 37 by a common resiare guņas and Paryāyas, which are presumably the same, differentiate ?
dence (SR191) of guna and Paryāya, the answer would be that while guņas
in their inseparable togetherness in the always (ITHG1981) inhere in an en
Dharm i. tity, Paryāyas come one after another
Paryāya-Dravya, bhāva-9ef4-504 (Totalauguel). (Hence the two viz. Ta - Event-Fluent, phase. guņa and Paryāya, are different). It Paryaya · artha, Vyasi jana - Tifa - may, however, be observed that the 37ef, 2017 - Event Natural, Unnatural. difference between the two is not ab
Paryayastikaya- पर्यायास्तिकाय-Group solute (de) because of the fact that
of attributes. they are partly identical, which is not
Paryāyā ņ u-yojyopekṣaṇa-refung at all an incompitable circumstance (with their difference). Surely the dif
ildet0 - Admission of opinion overference between thetwo is not(as great)
looking the censurable. . as it is between a pillar and a Jar, nor
Paryayaikantavida- पर्यायैकान्तवाद - is the identity (377) between them (as Pure difference view.