Tara - (Padmāsana) - The sitting posture with interlocked legs (the right one placed on the left thigh and the left on the right), the bands placed in the lap, with the palms facing upwards (the right one being on the top) and with attention fixed on the foremost point or part of the nose. Pada sphota - Pote Pohte. Word explosion. Paira - æ - Forepaw. Paisūnya - tp - Back-biting. Palsinyaripa - पैशून्य रूप - Spitful. Paksa - - Proposition, Fortnight, Subject, Minor term, Thesis, Argument, Frame. Paksabhāsa - 97918 - Fallacy in argument. Paksa bhāsa - 9791A - If that of which the major term or predicate (sādhya) is affirmed is opposed by evidence (Liŋga), the public under- standing, one's own statement, etc. We have that which is known as the fallacy of the minor term or thesis (Paksābhāsa) of which there are many varieties. The semblance or fallacy or the minor term or thesis (Paksābhāsa) arises when one predicates of the minor term (Paksa) that which is yet to be provd to the opponent or which is incapable of being proved or when it is opposed to perception and inference, or inconsistent with the public understanding or incongruous with oneś own statement; thus. 1. The Jar is corporeal (Paudgalika). This is a conclusion which is yet to be proved to the opponent. 2. Everything is momentary - This is a saugata (Buddhist) doctrime wbich according to the Jainas, is incapable of being proved.
3. The general (Sāmānya) and the particualr (višeşa) things are without parts, are distinct from each other and are like themselves alone" - this is opposed to perception. 4. "There is no omniscient being”. this is according to Jainas, opposed to inference. 5. "The sister is to be taken as wife - this is inconsistent with the public understanding 6. “All things are non-existent - this is congruous with one's own statement.
N. 21 (Page - 14-15). Pakşadbarmatā -999fat - Subsistence of the probans in the subject, Existence in the Pakşa. Pakşaikadeśavrttivyāpaka - - देशवृत्तिव्यापक - One which exists in a part of the subject, but in the whole heterologue. Pakşavipaksaikadesavrtti - 98विपक्षैकदेशवृत्ति - One which exists only in a part of the subject and of the heterologue. Paksa vipaksa vyapaka . पक्ष विपक्ष 21149 - When the reason is includent of the subject and heterologue. Pakşavyā paka aur vipakşaikadesavrtti - 999 211426 sate formula dagfer - One which covers the whole of the subject and a part of heterologue. Panca-avayava . Vaaya - Five parts of syllogism. Pallava - n a - Foliage Pallavika - rufaah - Recess. Palya . पल्य - Pit. Palya (464) - Palya is of three kinds, vyavahāra palya, Uddhāra palya and