(170) Nispratikrama - Faro 4 - Avoi- Niyama - Forena - Self control, One of dance of physical care and medical the eight steps or accessories of yoga, treatment.
A vow taken for a fixed period, InjuncNisprāņa - Forum - Inanimate.
tion. Nissvabhavata . निस्स्वभावता - De
Niyanta - farema - Regulator. void of any intrinsic nature, Niyantr - forums - Controller. Essencelessness.
Niyata - Farma - Determinate, Steady. Nisthā - 1781 - Catholicity.
Niyata pradeśatva - farsa agarra - Nisthāpaka -F108740- accomplisher. Fixed pointedness. Nitya - Fara - Everlasting Imperish- Niyativāda - frufaar - Doctrine of able, Eternal, Unchanging.
determinism. Nitya - Fort (Permanence) - Perma- Niyoga - Firm - Injunction. nence is indestructibility of the essen- Niyojita - Frifta - Schematic. tial nature (quality) of the substance.
Nibu - ta - Citron.
S-5/31. Nişkutakşetra (Frognereta) - Nişkuta
Nicagotra - MT - Low family surksetra is located in the topmost corner roundings, Ignoble inheritance. of the universe ontside the mobilechan- Nihārasthāna - NER TIF - Lavanel (Trasa nādi).
tory. Nitya dravya - fira gom - Ultimate Nila - tits - Blue. entity. Primary or simple substances. Niti - ifa - Logic. NityaNigoda नित्य निगोद-One sensed
No agama- 1314 - Quasirevelation. souls with common bodies from eternity.
Noagama bhava jiva (नोआगम भाव Nityasama - FFRAAT - Parity per
sta) The soul taking the mode of a eternality permanence Eternalism. living being or the modeof human being
Nityata vipaka-नित्यता विपाक - With is noāgama bhāva jiva. S-1/5. unfailing fruition.
No agamadravgykarma-नोआगमद्रव्य Nityatva - frira - Permanence. कर्म - Quasi attention privation aspect Nivartanā - fact - Production. of karma. Nivasi . Frant - Dweller.
No agama dravya/bhāva nikṣepa - Nirvrtyaparyapta - निवृत्यपर्याप्त - Po- नोआगमद्रव्य । भावनिक्षेप-Quasirevelation tentially developable.
fluent / Phase installation. Nivetti - Faqfet - Cessation of activi- Noagamakarma नो आगम कर्म -Quasi ties, Cessation, Denial, Annihilation,
attention privation of karma. Removal, Abstinence from attachment No Indriya. #f4- Quasisense, Not toexternal objects, Renunciation, Ward sense. off, Abstinence, Finish.
Noinriyāvaran akarma - 73f40u 04 - Quasi sense covering karmas.