whereas saptabhangi relates to syn- thesis; Nayavāda is the analytical method of knowledge, whereas saptabhang i is the synthetical method of knowing a thing. (H. L. Jhaveris the first principes of the Jaina philosphy, London 1910.)
P. 42. In the commentary of Nyāyāvatāra Siddhar și observes : "Syādvāda is a corollary of Nayavāda: The latter is analytical and primarily conceptual and the former synthetical and mainly ver- bal. Niscaya, Mukhya, Suddha, Satyartha, Bhitartha or Drayvarthika naya (Fapeta, 164, Feie, Thef 2 Goulfefat 74- ) is that aspect view which thinks from an absolute standpoint unaffected by the influence of surrounding circumastances. Vyavahāra, Upacara, Ašuddha, Asatyārtha, Abhūtārtha or Paryāyārthika naya is of the nature of practical point of view. 44147 79 ? 41 or the view : of the whole truth embraces all the nayas. the nayas become Pramāņa when syāt is added unto them. soulfito en Turaiftro TT – The author of the fat om and its commentary divides the schools of naya into two kinds (1) Dravyāstika and Paryāyāstika i.e.(1) those who believe in substance and (2) those who believe in modes. The first believe in the Principle of unity or permanence, the second in that of diversity or change - corresponding respectively to the two categories of H14R and faster or to use the languageof संमति.,संगह (संग्रह) and
fahren (faza) [sizefastaigorrutat Amp fara pragaron - com.] Thase are the only two fundamental nayas, The other nayas mentioned by other writers being subsidiary varieties of these. The object of naya (नय का विषय) - A thing conceived from one particular point of view is the object of nayaorone sided knowledge.
N. 29. Naigama naya - T 74 - Naigama or purpose. That which pertains to fur or purpose is 479. It may be said to be the teleological aspect of a continuous activity. When the purpose of the activity is taken to represent the whole series then it is #01974. It is defined in the sūtra 37f4fque NYHE MET #14: 1 Thus when a person who is drawing water or who is busy carrying firewood is questioned “What are you doing ? He answers “I am cooking." Here he is not actually cooking but it is the purpose which accounts for his action of carrying firewood or drawing water. HUC24 - Samgraha is the class view. When several things which are similar in essence and which are not incompatible with one another are brought together under one class concept we have samgraha Naya. Thus the name of pot refers to the whole class of individual objects which go by that name. Similarly the idea of Dravya. From the point of Dravya charactiristic (Permanency through change) the term Dravya refers to several entities, living and non living which are all taken as one class. Vyavahāra - 29ER - Vyavahāra is the process of examining the objects which are brought together under one class according to the different rules of