Upacartia asadbhūta vyavahāra naya- 349fa377 446R14 - This corresponds to the separable accident of scholastic logic, for example - This is my house, House is identified with the self according to Upacarita asadbhūta Vyavah āranaya. Dravyārthika naya (Gopfefato 77) - Dravya means general or common, a general rule or conformity. That which has these for its object is the general standpoint (Dravyārthika naya)
S-1/33. Paryāyārthika naya (refurrera 79) Paryāya means particualr, an exception or exclusion that which has these for its object is the stand point of modifications (Perfemefore 79). S-1/33. Naigama naya (#1479) - The figurative standpoint takes into account the purpose or intention of something which is not accomplished. For instance, a person who goes equipped with an axe is asked by some one for what purpose he is going. The person replies that he goes to fetch a wooden measure. Butat that time the wooden measure is not present. The reference to the wooden measure is based on the mere intention to make it.
S-1/33. Samgraha naya - (161) - The synthetic standpoint - The synthetic standpoint is that which comprehends several different modes under one common head through their belonging to the same class. For instance, existence (being), substance, Jār etc. When we speak of existence, all substances charcterized by the word existence or its knowledge and inferred from the sign connecting the word with the idea or knowledge are grouped on the basis of existence in one class without dis- tinction.
Vyavahāra naya (@TTER 77) - Analytic stand point. The division of reality or objects comprehended by the syntheitc viewpoint in accordance with the rule is the analytic standpoint. What is the rule ? The rule is that the analysis or division into subclass proceeds in order of succession. This standpoint operates upto the limit beyond which there can be no further division into subclasses.
S-1/33. Rjus ū tra naya ( 574) - Straight (direct) viewpoint. That which takes into account the staight (persent) condition, is the straight (direct) viewpoint. This viewpoint leaves out the things of the past and future and comprehends the objects that remain in the present, as no practical purpose can be served by things past and things unborn. It confines itself to the present moment. It comprehends only the mode of present moment.
S-1/33. Sabda naya (Froce 77) The verbal standpoint. The verbal standpoint is intent on removing the anomalies or irregularities with regard to genderpuşya. Tārakā and Nak satra are of different genders. Yet these are used as substitutes. Irregularities of number are as follows. Jalmy āpah, varsā rtuh, Amrā vanam, Vāmā nagaram. In these pairs of wrods one is singular and other is plural. The wage of these as noun and attributive is anormaly of number. Sena parvatae adhivasati is anomaly of case. Here instead of the seventh locative case is used, Other anomalies are anomaly oftime irregular person and irregularities in the use of prepositions.
S-1/33. Samabhirudha naya ( 194 OG 72) - Asit consists of forsaking several mean