a succession of events at all. This is all
Dravya linga • द्रव्य लिङ्ग - External due to the substance called Time
appearance, Physical sign, Cycle of absolue. Itisa positive substance, which
matter. occasions all change, and which brings
Dravya parivartana . द्रव्य परिवर्तन - about the idea of time to us. It is of
Matter cycle. course indivisible; but the
Dravya pramāņa-509 44101 - Fluent kevalajñānin, the Arhat, the adept with
measure. complete perfect wisdom actually realizes time; with its infinite atoms cov
Dravya prāņa - 5049 - Material ering the whole infinity of space and
vitalities. bringing about all changes in space. Dravyatva - Garra - Substancehood, 8: steel ito ay - In jiva and in Substantiality, Substanceness. Dharma and Adharma, the Pradešas
Dravya punya.com you - Objective
virtue. are innumerable, in Ākāśa (the
Dravya pūja - 504 57 - Physical pradešas are) infinite and in that which
worship. has form (viz. Pudgala) (these are) of
Dravya bandha - 509 ata - Objective three kinds (viz. numerable, innumerable and infinite). Kāla (Time) has one
Dravya mana-52977 - The mind qua (Prade ša). Thefefore, it is not (called)
substance. Kaya.
Dr. 25. selepe - On account of this disposi
Dravya moksa - द्रव्यमोक्ष - Actual
separation of the karmas. tion there results the settling in the
Dravya mokṣa - g24419 - The absoKarmic matter on the Jiva. This is
lute annihilation of karmic matter and objective bondage or Dravya Bandha. द्रव्य कर्म तथा भाव कर्म - Karmas are
the liberation of jiva from the physical
substance is the objective mokṣa or generaly to be of two sorts - Dravya
Dravya mokșa. karmas and bhāva karmas. For ex
Dravya moksa - द्रव्य मोक्ष - When a ample, the existence of a pot in the mind of a potter may be said to be a jiva (soul) being rid of the four Ghātia Bhāva karma, while the materialexist- and being equipped with absolute reence of the pot perceptible by our senses pulsiveness to karmas succees in eradiis known to be a Dravya karma. Now, cating the remaining Karmas, then he the potter is directly the cause of the
becomes freed from Vedaniya and Ayu Bhāva - Karma, and that Bhā vakarma
and finally from nāma and gotra. This again is the cause of the Dravya karma.
eradication of the latter four Karmas It should, therefore beremembered that
means absolute and complete mok sa or according to niscaya naya the potter is
Dravya moksa. the agent of the Bhāva karma (the pot · Dravya niksepa - Go4 forma - Instalexisting in idea), and according to lation by substance vyavahāra naya, that of the Dravya Dravya papa - Go 44 As the result karma (the pot perceptible by us). of this there is karmic matter of dravya
Dr. 25.
pāpa whose nature is vious.