Dasidasa - Gratare - Men and women servatns. Data . Giai - Host. Dātrvisesa - Grafarta - Superiority of the giver. Dāvāgni - Grafia - Forest conflagra- tion. Dayaka dosa - दायक दोष - Taking food from an unclean or unseemly person. Dehayaşti - Teufe - Coiffure. Dehi - CT - Embodied being. Desa - 21 - Part, Partial. Desa Katha - 2144 - Local gossip. Desaghāti - draufa - Partially obscuring, Partially destructive. Desaghātī prakrti - dyract usifa - Destroying configuration. Desaghatisparddhaka : देशघाती । स्पर्द्धक-Kamicmatter which obscures only partially. Desakalanucitakatha-देशकालानुचित 05911 - Inopportune talk. Desakrama - GP1564 - Successiveness in position. Desanā - - Discourse. Desana labdhi - देशना लब्धि - Instructional attainment De's anūgata - angora - Extended in space. Desavirata - dvirana - Partial vow, Those who oserve the small vows, partial abstinence. Desavirata gunasthana - देशविरत TUPPA - Partial vow control station. Desavirati caritra - देशविरति चारित्र - Capacity for partial renunciation.
Deša samyama - computer - Partial control. Dešāvadhi - Serafa - Partial visual knowledge. Dešana - a - Instruction. Desana labdhi - ar gael - Precept attainment. देशना लब्धि- With the changed disposition Jiva may have the good fortune to obtain a master who would instruct him in the path. This instruction may lead to the removal of ignorance and error and to the acquisition of Jhāna. This may gaurantee progress for the Jiva along the rungs of spiritual ladder. This good fortune of obtaining instruction is Upadeša Labdhi or de šanā labdhi. Desonapurvakoti - देशोनपूर्वकोटि 84 x 105 x 84 x 10ʻ 10'- minus eight years. Devada - Celestial being. Devas-da- The celestial beings (devas) are those who roam freely and derive pleasure in several parts of the terrestrial world, the mountains and the oceans surrounding them, on the rise of karmas leading to the celestial state. They are endowed with magnificence, splendour and extraordinary powers. There are four orders of celestial beings. They are the Residential (Bhavan väsi), the Peripatetic (Vyan tara), the Stellar (Jyotiska) and the heavenly (Vaimanika) beings.
S-4/1. Taqur – Devapūja - By worshipping deity as one worships heroes, by meditating upon the attributes, the same attributes tend to become manifest in us.