6. Dhyana Calm meditation on the self after controlling the vagaries of thought is Dhyana. In the person that has neither desire nor aversion and that is free from ignorant attachment to sense pleasures and from the activity of thought, speech and body, there flames forth the fire of meditation that burns out all karmas, beneficial as well as Baneful.
-Tapa (Penances) - One must also perform penances to the best of one's capacities, penances that burn down sins; these penances are of the types technically called Candrayana, Krcchra, mrtyughna and pāpasū dana. Yoga- 131. चान्द्रायण तप - Chāndrāyana tapa- To increase diet by morsel, a day in the bright half of the month, to reduce it by one morsel a day in the dark half, and not to eat anything on the day of nomoon - This is the method of performing the candrāyaṇa types of penance. Ygoa - 132.
(Krcchra)-The type of penanace called Krcchra has been said to be of various sub-types like santapana etc. and this is the best means of surmounting without any difficulty - the contingencies that are most exacting. Yoga - 133. (Mrtyughna tapa) - Death
conquering penance) - Those who have performed penance in plenty (and hence are an authority on the subject) apply epithet mrtyughna to that fasting for a month which is accompanied by the muttering of the chant called mṛtyujhna (death conquering) and is pure on account of the due procedure having been followd. Yoga - 134.
पापसूदन तप - (Pāpasūdan tapa) - The same is the case with the type of penance called Papasu dana (i.e.) it too is pure on account of the due procedure having been followed) a type which is charactirized by a frequent muttering of the various chants corresponding to the various sins sought to be expiated and is rendered pure by an abhorrence of the things occasioning sin.
Tapa sāmācāri - तप सामाचारी - Deportment qua austerity. Tapasvi -- is the saint who practises long fasts etc. S-9-24. Tapasvi sangha - तपस्वी संघ - Congregation of ascetics.
Tapasvi -- Recluse. Tapta tapo rddhi तप्त तपो ऋद्धि - The power to burn up the bodily excrements internally.
Inductiva reasoning, Tarkābhāsa - तर्काभास Induction fallacy, Logical fallcay. Tatpradosa - Spite against knowledge, censure.
Tathakara -- The acceptance of the preceptor's world. Tathopapatti- तथोपपत्ति - Positive con comitance.
Tatpratiyogi . तत्प्रतियोगी This is different to that logical possibility on the occurrence of the other. Tatprayogya--Appropriate.
Tattva -Reality, Nature of things, Tauto, Element.
Tautogauge. Tattva jñana. Knowledge of truth.
तत्त्वार्थ - Tautology,