Sadasiva, that of being Siddha to refute Bhatta and Carvak and that of having an upward motion to refute views of all other writers.
Dr. Page -5 व्यवहार नय की अपेक्षा जीव लक्षण According to Vyavahāra naya, that is called Jiva, which is possessed of four prāņas, viz Indriya (the senses), Bala (force), Ayu (life) and Ana-prāṇa (respiration) in the three periods of time (viz., the present, the past and the future). Dr. 3 निश्चय नय की अपेक्षा जीव लक्षण - (The definition of Ji va according to niscaya naya) - According to nischaya naya, that which has consciousness is called Jiva. Dr. 3 व्यवहार नय की अपेक्षा जीव का लक्षण According to Vyavahāranaya, the general characteristics of Jiva are said to be eight kinds of Jf ana and four kinds of Dar sana. Dr. 6
शुद्धाय की अपेक्षा जीव का लक्षण According to Suddha naya the characteristics of Jiva) are pure Jñāna and Dar sana.
Dr. 6
व्यवहार की अपेक्षा जीव मूर्तिक है - Ac - cording to vyavahāranaya Jiva has form through the bondage (of Karma). Dr. 7
निश्चयनय की अपेक्षा जीव अमूर्तिक है According to Niscaya naya, Jiva is without form, because the five kinds of colour and taste, two kinds of smell and eight kinds of touch are not present in it. Dr. 7
जीव का कर्तृत्व - According to VyavahāranayaJiva is the doer of the Pudgala
Karmas, According to Niścaya naya (Jiva is the doer of) thought Karmas, According to Suddha naya (Jīva is the doer) of Suddha bhāvas. Dr. 8 जीवका भोक्तृत्व - According to Vyavahāra naya Jiva enjoys happiness and misery, the fruits of Pudgala Karmas. According to N sscaya naya, Jiva has conscious bhāvas only. Dr. 9 अशुद्धनय की अपेक्षा जीव के 14 भेद - According to impure (Vyavahāra)naya, Samsari Jivas are of fourteen kinds according to Margaṇā and Guṇasthāna. Dr. 13 शुद्धनय की अपेक्षा जीव - According to pure naya all Jivas should be understood to be pure. Dr. 13 व्यवहारनय की अपेक्षा जीव स्वदेहपरिमाण -According to vyavahāra naya, the conscious Jiva, being without Samud ghāta, becomes equal in extent to a small or a large body, by contraction Dr. 10 and expansion. निश्चय की अपेक्षा जीव असंख्यात प्रदेशी हैAccording to Niscaya naya (it) is existent in innumerable Pradesas. जीव का लक्षण - Consciousness is the very differentia of the Jiva. (Dr. verse 3) If the soul is held to be conscious by its connection with consciousness, then
why should substances like ākāśa (space) be not held to be conscious because of the presence of Samavaya. Śloka - - verse 188. The identity of the Jiva is constituted of consciousness.
Pafica. II verse 192.