(114) A - Jainism - Jainism is a religion founded by omniscient teachers, a dispropounded by Jina - ie. one who has
tinction to which no other religion can conquered the worldly passions and lay claim. Jainas are the followers of Jina. J-46. Jainism is the only man-made religion, U – Jainism - Jainism is a way of
that reduces everything to the iron-laws life shown by the Jinas or the
of nature and agrees with modern sci
ence. It is perfectly true when the Jains Tirthamkaras. It is a religion which
say that religion originated with man helps its follower to destroy the karmas
and that the first deified man of every and attain the highest happiness. The
cycle of time is the founder of religion. three jewels viz. right faith, right knowldge and right conduct together
Whenever a Tirthamkara arises be re
establishes the scientific truth considerconstitute the path of liberation or emancipation. The three in union can
ing the nature of life and these truths are alone help the soul to reach the peak of
collectively termed religion. perfection. That is the song of life heard
er et affic # FFR - (Points om the holy ones who are twenty four of difference between Jainismand Vedic in number and who flourished and at
religion). There are at least eight featained Godhood in the present cycle of
tures which distingnish Jainism from time.
vedic religion and Brahmanism. Those Jainism - TOP - The word 'Jaina' is
features are so much substantial that
they do not afford any possibility of derived from the Sanskrit word for
regarding Jainism as a sect of Brahman(Jina) meaning a victor, and implies a
ism or its some other product. These conqueror of one's baser - self, or one
features can be reduced to the following who has attained a victory over attach
(1) Jainism rejects holiness of Veda (2) ment and aversions. A true Jaina is thus
Stands against the dogma that gods are a follower of him, who is above bias,
the main objects of worship.(3)Rejects a true friend of all and the foe of none.
bloody sacrifices and number of other In the days gone by the saintly adher
elements of Brahmamic ritual (4) Does ents of this religion were variously
not recognise Varna - caste system of known as Yatis, Vrātyas, Keshi,
the brahmamic society (5) Prescribes Arhatas, Nirgranthas and Sramanas, defence of other's life (6) Prescribes while the Greeks and other foreigners
asceticism (7) Prescribes nudity for the called them Gymnosophists or the nude monks (8) Allows women monkhood, Philosophers.
learning of holy book etc. Encyc. Brit, Vo. 15, 11th edition P126.
11th edition P126 Besides, Jainism does not recognise the Jainism is a science and not a code of theory of creation of the universe by arbitrary rules and capricious com- God or that the latter is its protector. mandments. It is the only non allegori. U at wa UGRA - The two cal religion, which insists upon and main sects of Jainasare mainly divi-ded displays.a thorough understanding of into two sects - Digambara and the problem of life and soul. It was Svetāmbara. Literally Digambara