(106) of the Jaina pursuasion to sacrifice lives Morār Dass, a descendantofmainipāla, for the noble cause of dharma the fourth son of Mahārājā Ugra sain,
A. 95. who was the ruler of Agrobā. Morar चन्द्रगिरि तथा उदयगिरि - These are two Dass married Candrāvati, the daughter hills Candragiri and Udayagir i one on of Raja Sham Karan. After marriage, the north and other on the south of the when Candrāvati came to the house of village, which are respectively known Morar Dass, she was accompanied by as Candragiri and Vindhyagiri on which awoman servant, Sundar i, who though there are temples and images estab
a Nāyan by caste, was very beautiful lished by the Jainas and numerous in
and well versed in Samskrit. Ran i scriptions throwing a flood of light on the ancient history of this faith.
Candrāvati became the mother of
Candra Gupta and about the same time Candragiri, according to a tradition, derives its name from Candragupta,
Sundari gave birth to a son. Unfortuwho followed his spiritual teacher,
nately Candråvati died after a few
months and Candra Gupta was brought Bhadrabāhu, when the latter with twelve thousand disciples, at the ap-,
up by this woman servant. proach of a terrible famine, left About this time Mahārājā Mahā Pā taliputra and moved towards the Padmā nand, the ruling king of Magadha south. It was on Candragiri that attacked Agrohā and Räjä Morar Dass Bhadrababu left his mortal body, and was killed in the battle. He also wanted in his last moments there was only one to kill andra Gupta, but when Sundar i disciple, the above mentioned was asked the where abouts of Candra Candragupta, who was present. This Gupta she pointed out to her own son Candragupta, the disciple of the sage and thus saved the minor king. Bhadrabāhu was thecelebrated Maurya When Mahānanda saw Sundar i be was emperor of the same name. It was on enticed with her bewitching beauty and Candragiri that Camun da Raya taking her along with the minor prince erected a magnificent temple contain to the capital of Magadha forcibly made ing the image of twenty second Jaina
her his queen. Sundari then wrote a Tirtham kara Neminātha. Subse
book Sürya Jirāna Chatisi in which quently the upper story of the building
she disclosed all the facts relating to the was added by the son of Cāmun da real parentage of Candra Gupta. The Rāya and an image of the twenly third young prince on reading this book was Tirthamkara, Pārsvanātha, was beside himself in rage and left the palplaced in it. Both these storeys were ace of Mahānanda. built in the tenth century A.D. and give While he was in this self imposed exile a final idea of the beautifularchitecture
the young ksatriya contacteda brahman of that age.
named Cāņakya, who was well versed Dr. (Introduction) XXV - XXVI
in Politics and statesmanship and was O G HR - Candragupta Maurya - bent upon taking revenge on the Nanda Candra Gupta was the son of Rājā