(98) Guņa hāni - Ta avfa.- Geometric Guņanimitta-qurafia - Due to merit. regression.
Gunapratyaya - गुणप्रत्यय - Acquired Guņa - Tu - Intrinsic quality, At- by merit. tribute.
गुण तथा पर्याय - Guna and ParyayaGuņa-addhā - 799–34 - Control Guņa means the quality. Paryayameans duration.
the modification. Guņabandhakath ā . Trapan74 - For instance, matter has colour, colour defamatory gossip.
. is the quality or Guņa; any particular Gunahāni - Juela - Lifetime geo
matter has a particular colour, the par
ticular colour (red for instance) is the metric regression, Decreasing series.
modification or Paryāya of the quality. Gunahani is the number of terms of
The particular mark which would stay a series the sum of which is the number
all the time with the substance is qualof molecules of a unit of bondage and
ity, the temporary state is the modificaeach term in which is half of the term
tion. immediately preceding it.
The modifications suceed each other, qui - Guna · attributes - What are
the quality is permanent. In the changfound inhering in the permanent sub
ing states of knowledge for instance, stance are the attributes. Sarva P. 95
there is the permanent capacity to know. The attributes inhere in a substance, but There is only a distinction between Guņa in themselves cannot be supposed to
and Paryāya and not a real difference. have attributes. Tattva - 5/41
Distinction means that it is separable No attributes can be covered under
only in thought; difference means a real other attributes. Panca - verse 1013
fact of difference. Guņa - (TM) - Qualities - Those Having qualities and modfications is which have substance as their substra- the charactiristic of substance. Red is a tum and which are not themselves the modification, not a quality. A chair is substratum of other attributes are quali- modfication of matter; a horse is a ties.
modification of “Jiva" (living being) S-5/41.
(Jainism not atheism). Guņahāni ayāma - TuEI 3174174 -
JUREYTT – The various stages of spiriis a number of instants (449) in one tual development called Gunasthānas Guņahāni.
are based upon the varying influence of Gunahāni āyāma - Tu Ef 342114 - Mohan iya Karma which manifests in Geometric regression length. two different ways. One method of its Gunahānispardhaka salākā-ju- influence is to interfere with the correct हानिस्पर्द्धक शलाका - Geometric regres
perception of reality on account of which sion super variform counting rod.
it is called दर्शन मोहनीय. Deluding the Gunahani sparddhaka • गुणहानि
right perception. The other way of its Fyr
influence is perverse conduct on ac- Geometric regression
count of which it is called Fifa Hisia. supervariform.