गंग राजवंश (The Ganga dynasty) Among the ancient royal dynasties of India, the gangas of the west were devoted followers of Jainism. There is a tradition that Jaina Acarya, named Simhanandi, belonging to the Nandigaṇa helped Sivamāra, the first king of Ganga dynasty, to rise to the throne. In one inscription we find a mention of the fact that Śivamāra Kongunivarmā was the disciple of Simhanandi, and in another that the race of the Gangas prospered through the sage Simhanandi. Numerous inscriptions, dating from the 4th to 12th century a.d. testify to the building of Jaina temples, consecration of Jaina images of worship, hollowing outcaves for Jaina asceties and grants to Jaina acāryas by the rulers of Ganga dynasty.
Ganga (I)-River Gangarises from lake Padma and flows through in eastern archway. S-3/20
- Divine minstrel.
Gani --The head of a gaṇa or of an ascetic band.
Ganini -- The principal nun in a gana.
Gaņipitaka - गणिपिटक - Scriptures Ganita - गणित - Maths.
Gaņ ita lokottara - गणित ( लोकोत्तर) - Post universal maths.
Ganita ksetra - गणित क्षेत्र - Maths geometry.
Gan ita cheda - गणित-छेद - Maths log. Ganita-dhara - गणित - धारा - Maths sequence.
Ganita parikarma - गणित परिकर्म - Maths operation.
Ganita parikarmāṣtaka परिकर्माष्टक
Maths operation set of
Gaņita śren i vyavahāra - गणित श्रेणी व्यवहार - Maths series treatment. Gaņita trairasika - गणित त्रैराशिक Maths rule of three sets. Ganita vrhat - गणित वृहत् - Maths treatise.
Ganitapramāna - गणित प्रमाण- Maths
Ganita (laukika) -- Universal math s.
Ganita sahayogi bhanga - सहयोगीभङ्ग - Maths combinations. Garbha
- Uteri.
Garbhaja - - Uterine born. Garbha Janma - गर्भजन्म (Birth forn the uterus). The union of male and female energy in the woman's womb is the uterus. (The union of a sperm and an ovum forming a fertilized ovum constitutes uterine birth). or it is called the womb because of the mixing of the food taken by the mother. S-2/31. Sanctum
Garbha gṛha गर्भगृह
sanctorum of shrine cell.
Garbhaja ji va - गर्भज जीव taking uterine brirth.
Garbha janma - गर्भ जन्म - Embryonic birth.
Garhaniya () - Despicable. Garha Confessing before the