the first astronomer of the half-cycle. Then came Kseman kara, after the lapse of a long time. In his time animals began to be troublesome. Hitherto the feeding-trees had supplied men and animals with enough food. But now the conditions were changing and every one had to look for himself. The distinction of domestic and wild animals dates from kṣhemankara's time. Kṣhemandhara was the fourth manu who followed k shemankara after a long interval of time. He devised weapons of wood and stone to drive away wild animals.
Thenext manu was Seeman kara. Quarrels arose in his time over the Kalpa trees of which only a few were left now. He fixed the proprietary zones over them for different groups and communities of men. He was called Seeman kara, because he had fixed the seemas (boundaries) of proprietorship. Seemandhara was the next in order to appear. The quarrels had become more intense by his time over the disappearing kalp Vrksha (trees). He laid the foundation of individual ownership over the trees and he also set marks on them. Vimalvahana was the seventh Manu. he taught men how to utilise the services of domestic animals, and invented the tethering rope, the bridle and the like to keep them under control. Cakṣuşmana then appeared after the lapse of another long period of time. In his time the old order of Bhogabhumi was so far changed that the parents did not die at the birth of their progeny. Some people were astonished at this and enquired the cause of the change from Chak şu ṣmāna, which he explained.
Yasasvana, the ninth kulkara, was then born after the lapse of another long period. He taught men how to regard their children as their own and to bless them.
The tenth Manu was Abhi Candra, in whose time the old order of things underwent still further changes. The people now lived to play with their children; they also began to give them useful instruction. Because Abhi Candra was the first to play with his children in moonlight, he came to be known as Abhi Candra (Candra signifying the moon.)
The eleventh manu was Candrabha, in whose time children came to be looked after better. His guidance was also very boneficial for mankind in certain other ways.
The twelfth manu was Marud Deva. In his time state-control was established over all the kalpa trees that had still remained in the land. Marud Deva also taught men the art of navigation and built different kinds of skiffs and boats. Men now took to scaling high walls and hills. Many small hills, rivulets and lakes were formed in his time and there was some scanty and irregular rainfall for the first time.
Pransenjit was the last but one of the kulakaras. In his time children came to be born with the Prasena (The amnion or membrane in which a child is born), whence his name, Prasenajit. Before his time children were not born wrapped in a membrane.
The last of the kulakaras was Nābhi Rai, as already stated. He was the wisest man of his age. He earned his epithet (Nabhi Rai) from the fact that he taught men how to cut the navel chord termed