Katu - chaç - Pungent Kautkucya - antras ay - Gesticulating with obscene words, assuming ridiculous attitude with a body.
41 Employing vulgar language mixed with laughter out of excessive attachmentaccompanied by undesirable gesticulation. Kavala - 07061 - Morsels of food. Kavalā hāra - CNTIER - The intake of gross food. Kādacitka - forgifort - Occasional, Temporary Kāla - I - Time, period. Kala and Mahakala - काल तथा महाकाल- These are two lords of pišācas. Kāla (Niscaya) - foto (Farza) Deterministic time. Kāla parivartana - dort ufarkt - Cycle of time, Cycle change of time. Kālakrama - chlatt - Successiveness in time. Kala pramana • काल प्रमाण - Time measure. Kala(Lokottaramana) काल (लोकोत्तर HA) - Universal time. Kālānu - caring - Points of time, Atoms of time, Unit of time, Time particles. ATSIIMT - Atoms of time - In each spatial unit of the universe, they, i.e., (the points of time) are certainly fixed one by one like a heap of jewels. Those points of time (Kalan u) should be known (to be innumerable). Kalānugama-ARISTA - Time study. Kālā tikrama alifas4 - Offering food either too early or too late is un- timely food.
Kalatyayapadista-कालात्ययापदिष्ट - Counter valid. Kālātīta hetvābhāsa - clinita Brain-Time past hypofallacy. Kalavadhi - कालावधि - Span. Kālātyayā padiş ta hetvābhāsa . कालत्ययापदिष्ट हेत्वाभास - Mistermed incompatible fallacy. Kāluşya - Alco - Impure thought by the wise. Kāma - Attraction towards pleasurable, pleasurable, Sexual desire, Sensuality, Indulgence in the objects to touch and taste senses. Kama rupitva • काम रूपित्व - To become manifold. Kāmoddipaka - TE140 - Erotic. Kāmati vrabhinivesa - Forhitatfufider- Excessive sexual passion. Kā muka olyans - Erotic. Kāndaka - flush - Sections, Split. Kānsya. apie - Bronze. Kansyapattikaabhilekh- कांस्य पट्टिका afisa - Copper plate inscription. Kantiman - कान्तिमान - Smooth. Kapathaghattana- कापथघट्टन - Potent enough to destroy all forms of falsehood. Kapota - कापोत - Gray. Kāpota lesya - Jalta 1841 - Gray complex. Kāraṇa paramāņu - ROT RATT - Cause atoms. Karanasamayasara- कारण समयसार - Instrumental essence of soul. Kärita - Gafa - Getting a thing done by others.