Jaina Päribhāṣika Sabdakosa abhişekasabha yasyjām rājyābhişekenābhişicyate.
. (Sthi 5.235 Vr Pa 334) Abhihịta A type of Udgama Dosa (blemish of bhikṣā (accepting food etc. by going to houses for collecting them in conformity with the canonical instruction)) relating to origination or preparation of food etc.); that bhikṣā, which is offered to an ascetic at his sojourning place by bringing it from a distant place, which may be either in the same village or some other village. abhihrtam-yatsādhudānāya svagrāmātparagrämädvā samānitam.
(PiNiVr Pa 35)
-: 37 :Abhyutthāna Sāmācārī A kind of Sāmācāri (rules of conduct quâ etiquette, formality and convention); to pay respect to the Acārya (preceptor) and the like, and to bring food, medicine etc., for them. abbhutthāņam gurupāyā...... abhimukhyenotthānam-udyamanamabhyutthānam tacca.gurupāya'tti sūtratvād gurupājāyām, să ca gauravārhāņām ācāryaglānabālādinām yathocitāhārabhesajādisampādanam.
(U 26.7 SaVr Pa 535)
Abhyākhyāna Pāpa Deliberate false allegation-The thirteenth type of Pāpakarma (indulging in evil activity); the bondage of inauspicious Karma caused by indulging in deliberate false allegation.
(ĀVr Pa 72) abhyākhyānam-prakatamasad:'oșāropaņam.
(Stiu 1.103 Vr Pa 24)
Abhyudyata Maraņa A type of Marana (death); the death attained through any of the three kinds of fasting unto death, viz., Bhaktapratyakhyāna, Inginimarana and Prāyopagamana. abhyudyatamarana punastrividham-pădapopagamanam imginimaranam......bhaktapratyakhyānam.
(BrBhā 1283 Vr)
Abhyākhyāna Pāpasthāna. That Karma due to the Udaya (rise) of which the Jiva (soul) indulge in Abhyākhyāna Papa, i.e. activity of deliberate false allegation.
(Jhica 22.22)
Abhyudyata Vihāra The intensive course of ascetic discipline prescribed for Jinakalpa (the ascetic who observes the ascetic conduct of a Jina), Suddhapariharakalpa (Parihāravisuddhi) (purifactory conduct through intensive penance) and Yathālandakalpa (time-bound course, remaining ever vigilant). jinakalpaḥ śuddhaparihārakalpo yathālandakaIpasceti trividho'bhyudyato'thaisa vihāraḥ.
(BrBhā 1283 Vr)
Abhyāsavartitā A form of Lokopacāravinaya (formal rules of modesty): to attend the Acārya (preceptor) by sitting in his vicinity for obtaining knowledge. 'abbhāsavattiyam ti pratyāsattivarttitvam, srutādyarthinä hi ācāryādisamipe ăsitavyamityarthah.
(Sthā 7.137 Vr Pa 388)
Amana Inhibition of the mental activity; consciousness transcending the activity of thinking.
(Sthā 3.358)
Abhyutthānasambhoja One type of mutual etiquette amongst Sambhojika (commonsel co-religionist) ascetics: to rise from the seat for paying respect to an approaching senior ascetic. 'abbhutthāne yāvaretti' abhyutthānamāsanatyagarūpamityaparam sambhogāsambhogasthānamityarthah. tatrābhyutthānam pārsvasthādeh kurvamstathaivāsambhogyah.
(Sama 12.2 Vr Pa 22)
(TaSū 2.11) See-Asamjni. Amāyisamyagdrsti That person, who is possessed of Samyagdęşti (enlightened world-view) free from Māyāśalya (the Salya (a weapon in the interior which is rankling inside) quâ deceit). (Bhaga 5.102)
Amilita A conduct quâ knowledge: