Jaina Pāribhāṣika Sabdakosa
south of the Varsadhara Mount Sikhari, in the west of the Eastern Lavanasamudra and in the east of the Western Lavanasamudra. ruppissa uttarenam siharissa dakkhineņam puratthimalavanasamuddassa paccatthimenam, paccatthimalavaṇasamuddassa puratthimeņam, etthanam jambuddive dive herannavae väse pannatte.
(Jam 4.271)
Hrasvakālasthitika That bondage of Karma, whose duration is short and whose kandakas (sets) of long duration are eliminated by auspicious Adhyavasāya (subtle level of consciousness, which interacts with karmic body). dirghakālasthitikā hrasvakālasthitikāḥ prakarotiti, śubhādhyavasāyavasātsthitikhandakāpahāreneti bhāvah. (U 29.23 SãV? Pa 585)
Hrīmanaḥsattva That person, who is not cowardly, even in horrible situation, even mentally. hrimanahsattvah-vikațavelāyāmapi na manasā kāyaratām vrajati.
(ABhā 6.45) See-Hrisattva.
Hrimanā That ascetic (samyami), who feels shyness in indulging in Anācāra (2) (gross transgression of ascetic conduct), on account of the (fear of) the Acārya (preceptor) etc. and also the social censuring (lokavyavahāra). hri-lajjā samyamo....tatra mano yasyāsau hrimanāh yadi vā anācāram kurvannācāryādibhyo lajjate saḥ
(Sūtra 1.13.6 V? Pa 240)
Hrisattva A person who is not cowardly even in a horrible situation, out of sheer shyness. hrisattvaḥ-vikataparisthitāvapi lajjāvasāt na kātaratām vrajati.
(ABhā 6.45)