after origination, it goes on augmenting in all respects.
bahubahutarendhanaprakṣepädibhirvarddhamanadahanajväläkaläpa iva pärvävasthato yathayogam prasastaprasastataradhyavasayabhavato bhivarddhamanamavadhijñānam varddhamanakam. (Nandi 9 MaVr Pa 82)
The six mountains viz., Himavān, Mahāhimavän etc., upholding the seven varsas (regions) viz., Bharata, Haimavata etc. of the Jambudvipa and demarcating them.
varṣāṇām vibhaktāraḥ himavän mahāhimavän nisadho nilo rukmi sikharityete şad varṣadharaḥ parvatāḥ. (TaBha 3.11)
A type of Varṣāvāsa (sojourning at a fixed place during rainy season);
two months' sojourn in Asvina and Kartika. (BrBh 2734 Cũ)
To sojoum at a fixed place for four months of rainy season.
varisāsu cattări måså egattha acchamtiti väsävāso. (Dasa 4.13 Cii Pa 52)
A type of Marana (death).
1. Death of the person who has fallen from the ascetic life.
'valayamaraṇe' tti samyamayogebhyo valatam-bhagnavratapariṇatinam vratinam maranam valanmaraṇam. (Sama 17.9 Vr Pa 32) 2. Death of an ascetic due to Ksudha Pariṣaha (hardship quâ hunger). valamtā kṣudhāparisahehim maranti, na tu uvasaggamaranam ti tam valayamaraṇam.
(UCA p. 128)
Vaśärtta Maraṇa
A type of Marana (death);
death of one, oppressed by his utter dependence on the senses or sensual objects (sensual indulgence).
vasena indriyavasenaṛtasya-pidatasya dipakalikäripäkṣiptacakṣuşaḥ śalabhasyeva yanmaraṇam tadvaśārttamaranam. (Bhaga 2.49 Vr)
Jaina Päribhāṣika Sabdakosa
A kind of Anäcära (2) (gross transgression of ascetic conduct);
to take in oil etc. through enema. vastikarmma puṭakenädhisthäne snehadānam. (Da 3.9 HaVr Pa 118)
1. The treatise (or a major part of a big volume), which dwells upon an entire topic on a definite content like a chapter.
vastu niyatärthadhikarapratibaddho granthaviseso'dhyayanavat. (SamaPra 13.6 Vr Pa 122)
(Sama 12.6 Vr Pa 25) 2. A collection of several Prabhṛtas ((1) chapter of the Vastu (1) (a type of treatise, which is a division) of the Purva (canonical work of earlier lore)). (Anu 572 Ti p. 327)
3. The (cognizable) object of Pramāņa (valid organ of cognition);
which is a real object, consisting of substance and modes.
pramaṇasya viṣayo dravyaparyayatmakam vastu. (Prami 1.1.30) 4. The fundamental Dravya (substance) which has the causal efficiency. vastunastāvadarthakriyākāritvam lakṣaṇam. (SthaVy Pa 22)
Vastutva Entityhood
1. That generic attribute (quality) of the fundamental Dravya (substance), by virtue of which the causal efficiency is possible. arthakriyäkäritvam vastutvam. (Jaisidi 1.38 Vr) 2. The (non-absolutistic) nature of substance. which is at once universal-cum-particular. vastutuam ca tatha jätivyaktinipatvamucyate... (Drata 11.2)
One kind of Punya (merit);
bondage of the Punya Prakrti (auspicious types of Karma), incurred due to giving cloth to donee i.e., a self-restrained ascetic. See-Annapunya.
A kind of Vidya (occult science),