Jaina Pāribhāșika Sabdakosa locking of bones on both sids (the shape formed by mutual knitting); it means the ends of the two bones are mutually inter-locked and the third bone acts as a bondage over them and all the three bones are nailed together.
vairamajjhannam camdapadimam padivannassa....punnimāe abhattaţthe bhavati.
(VyaBhā 10.5)
vajram—kilikā, ışabhaḥ-pariveștanapattah, nārācah-ubhayato markațabandhah, yatra dvayorasthnorubhayatomarkațabandhena baddhayoh pattākstinā trtiyenāsthnā parivestitayorupari ta-dasthitritayabhedi kilikākāram vajranāmakamasthi bhavati tadvajrarsabhanārācam.
(Shã 6.30 Vr Pa 339)
Vajrāsana After sitting in the posture of Virāsana (that is, by putting the right leg on the left one and vice versa), to hold the big toes by the hands, with the arms kept in vajrākrti in the back (both arms crossing each other). vāmom'hrirdakṣinorūdhrvam, vāmorupari dakșinaḥ kriyate yatra tadvirocitam virāsanam smrtam.. prsthe vajrākrtibhūte dorbhyām viräsane sati. gļhniyāt pādayoryatrāngușthau vajrāsanam tu tat..
(Yośā 4.127) uktasvarüpe vīrāsane sati prşthe vajrākärābhyām dorbhyām pādayoryatrānguşthau grhnīyāt tad vajrāsanam. idam vetālāsanamityanye.
(YośāVr p. 960) See-Vīrāsana.
Vajramadhyā Candrapratimā A type of Candrapratimā (an intensive course of penance); the practitioner of this course begins his penance on the first dayof the dark moon by taking fifteen Datties (food, drinks etc. given to the ascetic, without breaking the flow) each of food and drink in meals once a day); the number of Datties is decreased on each successive days up to one Datti each of food and drink on the dark moon day, after which there is increase in number of Datties on each successive days up to 15 Datties each of food and drink on the 14th day of bright moon, and lastly, observing complete fast on the full moon day. (See table)
Vadha 1. That activity (of violence), through which other living being is killed, or suffering or affliction is perpetrated to it. vināśaparitāpasamklesabhedāt trividho vā, āha catappajjāyaviņāso dukkhuppāo ya samkileso ya. esa vaho jiņabhaņio vajjeyavvo payatteņam..
(Sthā 1.93 Vr Pa 24) 2. An Aticāra (partial transgression of the vow of the Sthūlaprānātipātaviramana (abstinence from causing injury to gross living beings which have capacity to move about, first vow of the lay follower); to strike with a cudgel the animals or the servants who are dependent on him. 'vahe' tti vadho yastyādibhistādanam.
(UPā 1.32 Vrp. 10)
Number of Datties
Number of Datties
15 Fasting
Vadha Parişaha A kind of Parişaha (hardship); the pain felt on being beaten; it is to be endured equanimously by the ascetic. hao na samjale bhikkhū, manam pi na paosae. titikkham paramam naccā, bhikkhudhammam vicimtae.. samaņam samjayam damdam, hanejjā koi katthai. natthijivassa nāsu tti, evam pehejja samjae..
(U 2.26, 27)
(Sukla: Bright Moon; Krşņā: Dark Moon)