Jaina Paribhasika Sabdakosa
inanimate etc.. yadudayena sacittācitteşu bāhyadravyesu jīvasya ratirutpadyate. (Sthā 9.69 Vr Pa 445)
....te nam inanıyā chammāsāvasesāuyā juyalagam pasavamti....kalamāse kālam kiccā devaloesu uvavajjamti.
(Jivā 3.630) mahāśarīrā hi devakurvvādimithunakāh, te ca kadācidevāhārayanti kāvalikāhārena.
(Bhaga 1.87 Vr) See-Yugalaka.
Ra Racita A kind of Pindaişanā (bhikṣā (accepting food by going to houses for collecting it in conformity with the canonical instruction, with special resolves): keeping the food in a bronze vessel in the centre and other various tasty items surrounding it by the householder with an intention of giving to ascetic. racitam nāma samyatanimittam kāmsyapātrādan madhye bhaktam nivesya pārsveşu vyañjanāni sthāpyante.
(Vya Bhā 1520 Vr)
Ratiarati Pāpa The sixteenth type of Pāpakarma (sinful activity); the bondage of inauspicious Karma caused by indulging in the feeling of pleasure in sensual indulgence (or non-restraint) and that of ennui m the practice of self-restraint. (AVr Pa 72) Ratiarati Pāpasthāna That Karma due to the Udaya (rise) of which the Jiva (soul) indulges in Ratiarati Pāpa (i.e., the feeling of pleasure in sensual indulgence (or non-restraint) and that of ennui in the practice of self-restraint).
(Jhica 22.22) See-Māna Papasthāna.
Rajoharana An essential item of monastic paraphernalia; it is made up of soft fibres of wool, or any other soft threads. It is used for pramärjana, i.e., for cleansing the ground so as to remove softly the insects etc.. āyāṇe nikklieve thānanisiyana tuyattasamkoe. puvvam pamajjanatthā limgatthā ceva rayaharanam.
(ONi 711)
Ratnatraya Three spiritual gems—Samyagdarsana (enlightened world-view), Samyagjñāna (enlightened knowledge) and Samyakcăritra (enlightened conduct); this trinity leads the Jiva (soul) to Moksa (liberation). jñānasraddhānacāritrarūpam ratnatrayam.......
(Yosa 1.15) sammaddamsaņaņānam caranam, mukkhassa kāraṇam jāņe......... rayanattayam.
(Brdrasam 39, 40)
Rajju. A conceptual unit of linear measurement used in Jain astrophysics; it is equal to % Jagasreni: it measures innumerable Yojanas (measured with the Pramanārgula), which is 1000 times an ordinary Yojana (-7.88 miles). ....jagasedhie sattamabhāgo rajjū pabhāsamte.
(Tripra 1.132) kā rajjūnāma? tiriyalogassa majjhimavitthäro.
(Dhava Pu 3 p. 34)
Ratnaprabhā Gem-hued infernal land-The gotra (clan) of the first infernal earth (Gharmā), where there are several kinds of gems and which is luminous due to the lusture of gems. (See fig. p. 396). etāsi nam sattanham pudhaviņam satta gottā pannattā, tam jahā-rayanappabhā, sakkarappabhā, vāluappabhā, parkappabhā, dhūmappabhā, tamā, tamatamā.
(Sthā 7.24) imdanilādibahuviharayanasambhavao rayaņappablādisu kvacit ratnaprabhāsanasambhavādvā rayanaprabhā. (Anu 254.3 Cū p. 35)
(Prasā 102 Vr)
Rati A kind of Nokaşāya (quasi-passions) which is a sub-type of Caritramohaniya (conduct deluding) Karma: the rise of which evokes attachment towards the external substances which are animate,
Ratharenu A unit of linear measurement;