ttisāmattham. devāņa vi pamcavihapajjattuppattanamtarameva jahābhilasiyarūvaviuvvasāmattham....
(NiBhā 47 C)
Jaina Pāribhāșika Sabdakosa Mansion-dwelling gods-The first out of the fourfold Devanikāyas (fourfold habitats of gods), whose abode is in the mansions situated in the middle of the earth of the Ratnaprabhā (first infernal land). prathamo devanikāyo bhvanavāsinan. tatra bhavanāni ratnaprabhāyām bāhalyārdhamavagāhya madhye bhavanesu vasantiti bhavanavāsinah.
(Tabha 4.11) See--Bhaumeya Deva.
Bhavasiddhika That Jiva (soul), which is Bhavya-one who is worthy of attaining liberation. bhavisyatiti bhavā, bhavasiddhiḥ-nivrttiryeşām te bhavasiddhikāh bhavyā ityarthah.
(Bhaga 1.292 Vr) See-Bhavya
Bhavapratyaya Avadhijñāna Congenital clairvoyance-That Avadhijñāna (clairvoyance), emergence of which is mainly due to the Bhava (birth in a particular realm of mundane existence); it is available to gods and the infernal beings (the denizens of heaven and hell, respectively) right from the birth. bhava eva pratyayah kāraṇam yasya tadbhavapratyayam.
(Nandi 22.1 HÔVrp.29) dunham bhavapaccaiyam, tam jahā—devāna ya neraiyāṇam ya.
(Nandi 6)
Bhavasthakevalajñāna That type of Kevalajñāna (omniscience quâ knowledge), which exists in the soul, of human being who is possessed of the body. bhave tisthatiti bhavasthah, tasya kevalapānam bhavasthakevalajñām. (Nandi 26 HÔVr p.37)
Bhavasthiti Bhavāyu-The life-span of a soul in the present life. bhave bhavarūpā vā sthitih bhavasthitirbhavakāla ityarthah.
(Sthā 2.259 Vr Pa 62) See-Kāyasthiti.
(KaGra 5.20)
Bhavavipākini Those Karma-prakrties (types of Karma) whose fruition takes place in that Bhava (birth), which is in consonance with the bondage of sub-type of Ayuşya (life-span-determining) Karma (i.e. the realm of which the life-span is bound); e.g.birth in the realm of infernal, sub-human, human or god bhave nārakādirūpe svayogye vipäkah phaladanābhimukhyam yāsām tāḥ bhavavipäkinyaḥ.
(KaPra p.35)
Bhavādesa The description (or propounding of the qualities) of a Jiva (soul) which is made with respect to its Bhava (birth) in a particular realm. 'bhavādesenam' ti bhavaprakāreņa bhavamāsrityetyarthah.
(Bhaga 11.30 Vr)
Bhavāyu Bhavasthiti-The duration of the life of a Jiva (soul) on the basis of which it lives that long in a particular birth. bhavapradhānamāyurbhavāyuh, yad bhavātyaye apagacchatyeva na kālāntaramanuyāti.
(Shã 2.262 VỊ Pa 63)
Bhavavīrya Energy quâ birth-The general or specific energy which is obtained from the very birth in accordance with the type of realm viz., infernal, sub-human, human or godly, in which the soul is born. bhavaviriyam nirayabhavādisu. tattha nirayabhavaviriyam imam jamtāsikumbhicakkakamdupayaṇabhathasollanasimbalisülādisu bhijjamāņāņam mahamtavedanodaye vijam na vilijjamti. tiriyāna ya vasabhātiņa mahābhāruvvahanasāmattham.manuyāna savvacaranapadiva
Bhavopagrāhi Karma The four Karmas; (viz., Vedaniya (feeling-experiencing), Nāma (body-making), Gotra (clan), Āyuşya (life-span-determining)), which are still present in the soul of those Vitarāga (one, free from attachment and aversion) who are Kevali (the omniscient soul) and which are auxiliary cause of his Bhavasthiti. jampati ya viyarāgo ya bhavovaggāhikammuno