term) during the process of inference; its synonym is Pakṣa (subject of thesis). anumitau tu sädhyadarmavisisto dharmi, yatha agnimän parvatah, dharmi eva pakṣaḥ.
(Bhiksu 3.9 Vr)
Sermon-The religious preachings made with the purpose of refutation of wrong path, expellation of doubt and elucidation of hitherto unknown topics. unmärganivartanärtham samdehavyävarttanäpurvapadarthaprakäsanärtham dharmakathadyanuṣṭhānam dharmopadeśa ityakhyāyate. (Tavā 9.25)
Analytic meditation-The Vicaya Dhyana which is practised for the realization of truth/ reality.
äjä-apaya-vipäka-samsthäna-vicayāya dhar(Jaisidi 6.43) See-Dharmadhyāna, Vicaya Dhyana.
A part of Ardhatṛtiya (Adhai) Dvipa; name of the continent (island) which is encircled (surrounded) by the Kalodasamudra (ocean); it is ringshaped with the width of eight lakh Yojanas. (See figure on p...). dhatakikhandadvipaḥ kalodasamudrena pari(TaBha 3.8)
kṣiptaḥ. See-Ardhatṛtiya Dvipa, Samayakṣetra.
A type of Utpadana Dosa (the blemish pertaining to the ways adopted in obtaining bliksä (accepting food etc. by going to houses for collecting them in conformity with the canonical instruction)) by an ascetic);
to accept bhiks by imitating a wet-nurse by indulging in nursing work like making the child (of the donor) play etc..
balasya kṣira-majjana-mandna-kridana'nkāropaṇakarmakarinyaḥ pañcadhatryaḥ, etäsäm karma bhikṣārtham kurvato munerdhatripindah. (Yosa 1.38 Vrp. 135)
1. Retention-A type of Śrutaniśrita Matijñāna
Jaina Paribhäsika Sabdakosa
(perceptual cognition depending on verbal symbol);
just after the Avaya (perceptual judgment), the persistence of the specific determination of the object (or the definite cognition), which is in the form of keeping it intact, imprint or memory. tayanamtaram tayatthäviceavaṇam jo ya vasanajogo.
kalamtare ya jam puṇaraṇusaraṇam dhāraṇā sā (ViBhd 291)
2. The second stage of Dharana (1) (retention), in which the retained object (subject) gets lost (forgotten) on account of absence of revision (or repetition).
tameva attham aṇuvayogattaṇato viccutam jahanneṇam amtamuhuttato parato divasadikalavibhagesu sambharato ya dharana bhannati. (Nandi 49 Ci p. 37) 3. A kind of yoga-sadhand (practice of astanga yoga), in which the Citta (psyche) is fixed on or fastened to a particular object of meditation. dhyeye cittasya sthirabandho dharaṇā.
(Mano 4.15)
Dharana Vyavahära Dhāraṇā
A type of Vyavahāra (2) (monastic jurisprudence);
to retain in mind the procedure followed by the "Samvigna Gitärtha" (the ascetics who adhere to the scriptural sanctions as well as who have knowledge of both the text and its meaning of the scriptures) regarding the dos, don'ts and expiation, and act in accordance with it. gitärthasamvignena dravyädyapekṣaya yatraparadhe yatha và visuddhih k ta tâmavadharya yadanyastatraiva tathaiva tāmeva prayunkte să dhārană. (Sth 5.124 Vr Pa 302)
A type of ancient Dandanīti (penal code or policy);
a clause, in which the criminal was administered punishment in the form of opprobrium, such as "Shame on you!". dhigadhikṣepärtha eva tasya karanam-uccaranam dhikkarah. (Sth 7.66 Vr Pa 378) hakkāre makkāre, dhikkāre ceva damdaniio..... (AvaNi 167)
1. Composed-That ascetic (Muni), who is un