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samnim paducca micchäddiṭṭhi asanmi bhanito. (Nandi 61 C p. 47)
Dṛṣṭiviparyäsikä Daṇḍa
A kind of Kriya (urge); indulging in activity involving violence, on account of misapprehension or mental illusion. rajjvāmiva sarpabuddhistaya dando drstiviparyasadaṇḍaḥ. (Satra 2.2.2 Vr Pa 45)
1. god-The Jiva (soul) born in Devagati (realm of mundane existence quâ gods); the living being, whose body (being Vaikriya (protean)) is devoid of structure like bone, flesh and blood; whose body is effulgent; whose body has a divine beauty because all the limbs and sublimbs are elegant; who are endowed with the power to fly in space soon after the birth, even without the help of Vidya (occult science). Mantra etc..
dyotante vabhäsvarasariratvādasthimämsäsṛk
prabandha-rahitatvät sarvangopangasundaratvacca devāḥ.
athavă vină vidyämanträñjanādibhiḥ pūrvakṛtatapo'pekṣajanmalabhasamanantarameväkä
sabhäjo devāḥ. (TaBha 4.1 Vr) devagatinämakarmodaye sati dyutyadyarthavarodhād devāḥ. (TaVa 4.1)
2. The Vaimanika Deva (Empyrean god), or the Jyotişka Deva (Luminous god) and the Vaima
nika Deva. See-Devendra.
3. That living being, who is divya L.e., krīḍāsila (leading a life of pleasure) or stutya (worthy of being eulogized) and adorable; e.g..-Arhat (one possessed of super-sensory knowledge), Cakravarti (universal sovereign) etc.. divyanti-kridām kurvanti divyante va-stayante varadhyatayeti devah. (Bhaga 12.163 Vr) pamcaviha deva pannatta, tam jaha-bhaviyadavvaeva, naradeva, dhammadeva, devätideva, bhāvadevā. (Stha 5.53) 4. That human being, who is omniscient, Vitaraga (free from attachment and aversion), an exponent of the Truth as it is, Arhat (1) (Tirthankara (ford-founder)) and possessed of the highest grandeur.
sarvajno jitaragadidoṣastrailokyapujitaḥ. yathasthitärthavadi ca devo'rhan parameśvaral... (YoSa 2.4)
Jaina Päribhāṣika Sabdakosa
That region (Akarmabhumi) of Mahāvideha (in Jain cosmography), which is situated in the south of Mandara Mountain, in the north of Niṣadha Varṣadhara Mountain, in the east of Vidyutprabha Vakṣa-skära Mountain and in the west of Saumanasa Vakṣaskāra Mountain. mamdarassa pavvayassa dahiṇeṇam, nisahassa väsaharapavvayassa uttareṇam, vijjuppahavakkharapavvayassa puratthimenam, somanasavakkharapavvayassa paccatthimenam, ettha nam devakura namam kurā pannatta.
(Janı 4.205) mandaraniṣadhayordakṣinottaraḥ saumanasavidyutprabhayormadhye devakuravah.
(TaBhā 2.52 Vr)
Realm of mundane existence quâ god-A sub-type of Gatinama Karma (body-making Karma quà Gati (2) (realm of mundane existence). by the Udaya (rise) of which the Jiva (soul) is born as god and undergoes the experience of the mode of Deva (god). See-Narakagati.
A kind of Mahaprätiharya (superhuman magnificence of the Tirthankara (ford-founder): there occurs drumming, played by the gods, in the Samavasaraṇa, preluding the sermons of the Tirthankara. 'dumduhi' tti devavādyaviseṣaḥ.
(Bhaga 5.64 Vr)
tarataravisphärabhārkārabharitabhuvanodaravivara bherayo-mahadhakkah kriyante. (PrasaVr Pa 106)
The fourfold habitats/congregations of Devas (gods). deväścaturnikäyäh. (TaSi 4.1) catvāro nikaya-väsä yeşām te catvaro va samghaste caturnikäyäh......svadharmapeksajativisesasamarthyännikäyäḥ. (TaBha 4.1 Vr p. 273) See-Devaloka.
1. Heaven-The Urdhvaloka (upper universe); where in the Vaimanika Devas (Empyrean gods)