the code of conduct for the villagers. grama-janapadäśrayāsteṣām teṣu vã dharmmah-samācāro vyavastheti grämadharmah. (Stha 10.135 Vr Pa 488)
The fivefold Mandalika Dosa (blemish incurred at the time of eating meals). (ONI 551) See-Paribhogaiṣaṇā.
Neck-dwelling gods-A variety of the gods. whose heavens (dwelling places) are situated at the neck of the Lokapuruşa (the shape of the universe resembling that of a human being). (See fig. p. 396).
lokapurusasya grivästhāniyatvāt grīvāķī, grīvāsu bhavani graiveyakāņi vimänäni. (TaVa4.19.2)
That ascetic (Muni), who is appointed for attending upon the sick monks and nuns.
(VyaBhd 1943)
Ghana Tapa
A type of Itvarika Anasana (fasting for a definite period of time):
the number of padas in the Sreyi (Tapa) x the number of padas in the Pratara (Tapa) Ghana Tapa. For instance, suppose there are four padas in Sreni (Tapa): the number of padas in Pratara Tapa, will be sixteen; therefore, Ghana Tapa = 4 x 16 = 64; it means when the Pratara Tapa is repeated four times, it will become Ghana Tapa. atra ca şodasapadatmakaḥ pratarah padacatustayatmikaya śrenya gunito ghano bhavati, agatam catulsastih (64), sthapana tu pärvikaiva navaram bahalyato'pi padacatustayatmakatvam viseṣaḥ, etadupalakṣitam tapo ghanatapa ucyate, (U 30.10 SaVr Pa 601) See-Sreyi Tapa, Pratara Tapa.
The following table explains:
1 Śreni
1. One day fast + Pāraṇaka 2. two days' fast + Pāraṇaka 3. Three days' fast + Pāraṇaka
4. Four day's fast + Paranaka
5. One day fast + Pāraṇaka
2nd Śreni 6. two days' fast + Pāraṇaka 7. Three days' fast + Pāraṇaka 8. Four day's fast + Pāraṇaka
3 Śreni
4th Śreni
Jaina Paribhasika Sabdakosa
9. One day fast + Pāraṇaka 10. two days' fast + Pāraṇaka 11. Three days' fast + Pāraṇaka 12. Four day's fast + Pāraṇaka
13. One day fast + Pāraṇaka 14. two days' fast + Pāraṇaka 15. Three days' fast + Pāraṇaka 16. Four day's fast + Pāraṇaka
1-16. One day fast + Pāraṇaka 17-32. two days' fast + Pāraṇaka 33-48. Three days' fast + Pāraṇaka 49-64. Four day's fast + Pāraṇaka
Dense air (layer) (in Jain Cosmography), suppor ted by Tanuvata (thin air (layer)). ghanavatavalayam tanuvatavalayapratisthi(Tavā 3.1)
Dense ocean (layer) (in Jain Cosmography). supported by Glianavata (dense air (layer)). ghanodhadhivalayam ghanavātavalayapratisthitam......... (Tavā 3.1)
Destroying (or desperate) Karmas-Those Karmas, which destroy the principal qualities of soul;
there are four Ghati Karmas, viz., Jñānāvaraṇiya (knowledge-veiling). Darsanävaraniya (intuition-veiling). Mohaniya (deluding) and Antaniya (obstructing) Karmas. avarayamohaviggham ghädi jivaguṇaghādaṇa
augaṇāmam godam veyaniyam taha aghadi tti... (Goka 9)
Jñānāvaraṇadarśanāvaraṇamohaniyāntarāyacatuskam ghati, seṣacatuskam ca aghati. (Jaisidi 4.4 Vr)
See Aghatikarma.
(Jäisidi 7.22)