Audayika Bhāva
(Anu 271)
Audārika Asvādhyāya A kind of Asvādhyāyika (time and place in which Svādhyāya (scriptural studies and teaching) is prohibited)); the place in which there are (such foul or filthy objects like) bones, meat etc. in vicinity and the time in which there takes place an eclipse of moon etc. are prohibited for undertaking Svādhyāya. dasavidhe orālie asajjhāie pannatte, tam jahāatthi, mamse, soņite, asuisāmamte, susānasāmamte, camdovarāe, sūrovarāe, padane, rāyavusgahe, uvassayassa amto orālie sarirage.
(Sthā 10.21)
Jaina Pāribhāșika Sabdakosa 3. When a yogi (an ascetic), equipped with the Ahāraka Labdhi (supernatural power of creation of conveyance body) creates an Ahārakasarira (conveyance body), but till the formation of such body is not completed, there is combination of the activity of Audārikasarira (gross body) with that of the Ahārakaśarīra. 4. When a Kevali (the omniscient soul) undertakes Samudghāta (expansion of soul-units outside the body), in the second, sixth and seventh Samayas (smallest time-unit) of the operation, there is combination of the activity of Audārikaśarīra (gross body) with that of the Kārmaņasarira. audārikamutpattikāle'sampurnam sat miśram kārmmaneneti audārikamisram tadevaudārikamisrakam tallaksanam sariramaudārikamiśrakasarīram tadeva kāyastasya yah prayogah audārikamisrakasarirasya vā yah kāyaprayogah sa audārikamisrakasarirakāyaprayogah. yadā punaraudārikasariri vaikriyalabdhisampanno manuşyah pañcendriyatiryagyonikah paryāptabādaravāyukāyiko vā vaikriyam karoti tada audārikakāyayoga eva vartamānah pradeśān viksipya vaikriyasarirayogyān pudgalānupādāya yāvad vaikriyasariraparyāptyā na paryāptim gacchati tävadvaikriyenaudārikasarirasya misratā. ....evamähärakenäpyaudārikasarirasya misratä.
(Bhaga 8.58 Vr) dvitiyaşașthasaptamasamayesu punaḥ pradeśānām prakṣepasamhārayoraudārike tasmācca bahiḥ kārmane viryaparispandādaudārika kārmanamisrah.. nisran..
(Aupa VPa 210) Audārikamisrasarīrakāyayoga
(Aupa 176) See-Audärikamiśrasarīrakāyaprayoga.
Audārikakāyayoga The physical activity of moving etc. of the humans and the subhumans possessed of Audārika Sarīra (gross body).
(TaBhã 9.4 Vrp. 184) See--Vaikriyakāyayoga.
(TaBhā 2.26 Vr) See-Audārikamiśraśarīra Kāyaprayoga. Audārikamiśraśarīra Kāyaprayoga The physical activity of the combined function of the gross body with other type of bodies,viz., Karmana/Vaikriyalāhāraka, which is of four kinds1. When a Jiva (soul), on taking birth in the human or sub-human Gati (realm of mundane existence), apropriates the aliment in the first Samaya (smallest time-unit), but at that time building of the Sariraparyāpti (bio-potential quâ body) is not yet completed, there is combination of the activity of Audārikasarira (gross body) with the Kārmanasarīra (subtlemost body formed by Karma-pudgalas (material clusters quâ Karma)). 2. When a human or a sub-human being equipped with the Vaikriya Labdhi (supernatural power of creation of protean body), creates a protean form, but till the formation of protean body is not completed, there is combination of the activity of Audārikasarira (gross body) with that of the Vaikriya (protean) body.
Audārikavargaņā The Pudgala-vargaņā (a class of material clusters) fit for the formation of the Audārikasarira (gross body). tathāvidhavisistaparinamaparinatānantapradeśikaskandhānāmekottaravrddhyaudārikasariragrahanaprayogyā anantā vargaņā bhavanti audārikasariragrahaņaprāyogyā ityarthaḥ.
(ViBhā 635 Vr) Audārika śarīra Gross body-It is made of gross matter compo