V. SWAMINÁTHAN--BhartȚhari and Mimāṁsā, (Summaries of Papers, A I.O.C., XXth Session, 1959), Bhuvaneswar, 1959.
P. 138. Ancient Buddhist and Jain texts have thrown much light on Bhar. trhari,
L. B. KENY --Devānām Priya (Proc. I.H.C. XXIInd Session), Bombay, 1959.
P. 91. Kings made reverential reference to their gods in their official styles and titles. Khāravela of Orissa calls himself 'dharmarāja.'
B. J. SANDESARA- Historical Importance of the Prabhavakacharita (A.D. 1278) of Prabhāchandra (Proc., I.A.C., XXIInd Session), Bombay, 1959.
P. 314. The work gives biographies of 23 great Jaina pontiffs, most of whom were notable personalities in the social, cultural and political history of Gujarat.
R.C. PRASAD SINGH-- Peace-policy in early medieval India. (Proc., I.H.C., XXIst Session), Bombay, 1959.
P. 248. and n.l. Somadeva, the grand ancient Indian politician condemned differences among rulers in his Nitiväkyāmīta, XXX.
Upendraray J. SANDESARA--A reference to Bhagvan Tirthavit or Jaina Tirthankara in the Mahabhārata (Summaries of papers A.I.O.C., XXth Session, 1959). Bhuvaneswar, 1959.
P. 88. The advice of Bhagavan Tirthavit contained in the śāntiparvan of the Mahabharata wonderfully agreeing in sense with the teachings of Tattvärthasūtra, VI. 11-26 and IX. 1-3 shows that Bhagavān Tirthavit is the Jaina Tirthankara.
Dalsukh MalvaNIYA--Lord Mahävīra's Anudharmiha conduct. (Summaries of papers, A.L.O.C., XXth Session, 1959), Bhuvaneswar, 1959,
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