P. 203. Reference to Jain doctrine of Ahimsā.
P. 208. Kalpalata.
Sri Ram Sharma--Jahangir's Religious Policy. (Ind. cul. vol. IV, 1937-38), Culcutta.
Pp. 311-12. His attitude towards the Jains. Man Singh and Bal Chandra, the leaders of the two Jain schools of thought, enjoyed royal hospitality under Akbar. Man Singh prophesied that Jahangir's reign would not extend beyond two years. When Jahangir visited Gujarat where there were many Jains, he decided to embark upon their persecution. He issued orders for their expulsions from the Imperial territories (Tuzak, Tuzaki-Jahangiri, Persian Text 63, 219) Dr. BENI PRASAD is wrong in stating that the order of expulsion was confined to one sect alone (Jahangir by Dr. BENI PRASAD, p. 414)
as depicted in Ancient Sanskrit dramas. (Ind.
Keshav Appa PADHYA--Buddhism Culture, vol. IV, 1937-38); Calcutta.
Pp. 71-72. Mudrārākshasa --a notable play written by Vishākhadatta-does not contain any reference to Buddhism. A passing reference is made about a Jain Bhikkhu (Kshap naka). Buddhism was not considered as an important factor during the time of Asoka's grand father, king Chandra Gupta.
Jean PRZYLUSKI - From the Great Goddess to Kāla. (Ind. Hist. Qu. Vol.XIV. No. 2: Cal. 1938).
P. 271. According to the Jainas, wicked kings named Kalkin and Upakalkin appear periodically during the periods of decline (dulsama); by their periodicity the Kalkin and Upakalkin of Jainism are evidently in relation to Kali and to the theory of the ages of the world.
Kalipada MITRA-The previous births of Sejjamsa. (Jain Ant. vol. IV; No. II; Arrah; 1938; Pp. 45-56).
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