always accompanied by his confident, Jinaprabha. He is also allowed to identify him to the Sultan Firuz II (1220-1296), who had, indeed, for friend, a sūri of the name of Jinaprabha. The languageof the 'Pañcaśati'.
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A. BALLINI–Pancacati-Prabodhasambandhah, o le cinquecento novelle antiche di Cubhacila-Gani, edite e tradotte. (Studi italiani di Filologia indo-iranica, vol. VI).Renze, 1904.
Introduction. Subhasilagani, his life and his works. "The Pañcaśatiprabodhasambandha”; general character of this collection of nevelettes; the style and the language. Text and Italian translations of the first fifty novelettes.
R. PISCHEL---Gutmann und Gutweib in Indien (Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, vol. LVIII, Pp. 363-373). Leipzig, 1904.
Study of an ancient recension of the apologue of Goethe contained in the 'Dharmaparikşa' of Amitagati, IX, 43-55. The matter is of two husbands who lay a bet in the matter of knowing who of the two will keep silent for a long time. It is the wife who loses the bet.
E. LEUMANN- Die Hamburger und Oxforder Handschriften des Pancatantra (Verhandlungen des XIII. internationalen Orientalisten-Kongresses, Pp. 24-29). Leiden, 1904.
Notes on the imitations of which the 'Pañcatantra' was the object on the part of the Jains. Some narratives of the Avasyaka (7th century) presents analogy with those of the Panchatantra.
A. BALLINI-La Upamitabhavaprapanca Katha di Siddharsi (Giornale della Societa asiatica italiana, vol. XVII, Pp. 345-368; vol. XVIII, Pp. 217-253). Firenze, 1904-1905.
Review on Siddharşi, who lived at the end of the 9th century A.D. General analysis of the 'Upamitabhavaprapancakatha': ch.1. Eulogy of the Jaina religion. The allegory and the reality. Summary of the different chapters.
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