(Introduction, text with English translation and Amritachandra's commentary in English exposition).
Samayasara, the most important philosophical work by Shri Kunda Kunda, deals with the nature of the self. Samaya is used synonimously with Ätman or Brahman, The translation and commentary are based upon Amritachandra's Atmakhyati. Jayasena's Talparyavṛti and Mallisena's Tamil commentary have also been consulted. The introduction is divided into three main groups :---
(A) Self in European thought-Greek and Christian thought; Renaissance; Bacon and Scientific method; Cartesianism mathematical methods-the English Empirism and the German Idealism.
(B) Self in Indian thought--In the Upanishads (Chandogya-kathamundaka and Bṛhadaranyaka) in the Sänkhya and Vedanta system; A discussion of Dreams and Hallucinations; Jainism-its age and tenets; Muksa murga; the concept of Dravya, Asti-Nästivada, Jiva or soul.
(C) Self in Modern Science-Sankara and Kundakunda; Šankara and Amritachandra and their views in relation to the Individual and Samsara, nature and the external world, the origin of the concrete world, the doctrine of causation and one and many text with translation and commentary.
CHAINSUKH DASS-Jain Darshanasar. Jaipur, 1950. Pp. XL+75+20.
Contents -Introduction-Universe, soul, Karmas, God and Moksha, logic, Jainism and other Indian Darshanas, Jainism and Western thought and modern Science, Ahimsa, caste system, Is Jainism a Nastika system? Jainism as a solution to some modern problems. Text in Sanskrit. And notes in English.
Nathmal TATIA-Studies in Jain Philosophy, Banaras, 1951.
Study of Jain dogmatics, relating to non-absolutism, epistemology, Karma and
Nathmal TATIA-Studies in Jaina Philosophy. Banaras, 1951. Pp. xxxv+327.
It deals with the Jñana, Ajñana, Karma and Yoga of Jaina Philosophy.
The non-absolutistic attitude of the Jainas (Nature of Brahmanical, Buddhistic and Jaina compared).
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