P. 35 (n3). Jina meaning Vishnu referred to by Hemachandra.
(n4.) Jina, Jinendra, Jaitra applied to Buddha meaning the mightly. Jina used as epithet of Buddha and again as Arhat or Tirthaka of the Jains mentioned in the Vaijayantikosha Yadavaprakāśa.
P. 176. Tirthamālā-stavana-a Jain classical work.
C. R. JAIN-Sacred Philosophy. (Allahabad). (no date)
A discourse on the Jain Siddhanta.
R. D. RANADE-A Constructive Survey of Upanisadic Philosophy, Poona, 1926.
P. 134. The passage of Kauslaki Upanisad (IV, 20) leads to the view that the souls fills the whole of the body, a doctrine which is not unlikely to have led to the Jaina doctrine that as large as the body is even so large is the soul, that the soul of elephant is as large as the body of elephant, while the soul of ant is only as large as the body of ant.
S. K. BELVALKAR & R. D. RANADE-History of Indian Philosophy. Vol. II. Poona, 1927.
Jain Education International
P. 423(n). Mention of Sanjaya Belatthiputta as paving the way for Jainism.
P. 445. Jainism-its Kriyavada explained.
P. 446. Jainism-its categories explained.
J. L. JAINI-Gommatasāra Javakaṇḍa (The Soul) of Nemichandra Siddhanta Chakravarti, Lucknow, 1927.
(Introduction, text with English translation and commentary).
It deals primarily with the soul.
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