Festivals, temples etc. Historical summary of the Jainism, --Pārsvanātha, probably the founder of the sect; his life;-Mahāvira, his life bis disciples, his doctrines. The successors of Mahāvīra after the Kalpasūtra. Extension and development of ihe Jainism, from the country of Magadha in the other regions of India. Historical ideas; the king protectors of the Jainism. Principal Jain centres. Bibliographical notes.
H. H. WILSON-Religion of the Hindus. London, 1862.
P. 5. Jain system of Philosophy is a heretic system.
P. 6. Jainas disregard the Vedas, practice and opinions of Hinduism.
faiths and
P. 7. Jains evaded the religious fury of the rival religious survived its terror.
P. 22. Tenderness towards animated nature comprehends all moral and devotional duty a tenet common to both Bauddhas and Jains.
P. 23. Ksapanaka has been described as Jaina naked mendicant.
P. 24. Kşapaņaka's doctrine as reviewed by Anandagiri of a double set of Planetary bodies is undoubted by a Jain doctrine. According to Anandagiri the persecution of the Jains took place in the state of Rudrapur during Sankara's life time.
P. 36. In a dispute between the Saivas and Vaisnavas the Chula Monarch Krimi Konda Chola being a devout worshipper of Siva sent armed men to seize Rāinānuja who with the assistance of his disciples effected an escape and founded as refuge with Jain sovereign of Mysore Vital Deva, Vattala Rāya.
P. 150. Nimbāditya originally Bhaskara ächārya lived near Brindavanand was visited by a dandin according to other accounts by a Jain ascetic and engaged in a controversial discussion till sunset when visiteant was offer d some refreshment which was declined for the fact of taking anything after dark as unlawful.
P. 225. fn 2. Hemacandra's history of Mahāvira narrates Saiva, Brahmana bearing Pale Complexion from their smerring themselves with ashes.
P. 227. Basava Purāna gives an account of a dialogue between Jainas and the Saivas to prove latter's superiority.
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