Declares that the nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and other means of destruction pose a grave peril to the security and future of mankind and constitute serious impediment in the way of ameliorating poverty and suffering in the world.
Calls upon the leaders of the Super Powers to abjure the path of mutual antagonism, hatred, suspicion and hostility.
Requests the UN to ban nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, to limit conventional arms and reduce standing armies to stop diversion of available resources and to deploy them for the betterment of mankind.
Appeals to all the nations, the like-minded organisations and individuals including leaders and adherents of different religious groups throughout the world to secure peace and justice.
Resolution No. 3
RESOLVED that the year 1986 be celebrated as Non-violence (Ahimsa) Year for universal peace and justice.
Resolution No. 4
RESOLVED that the UN and UNESCO and other nations observe the year 1986 as Vegetarian and Non-Flesharian Year, discouraging consumption of meat, beef, mutton, fish and eggs as these commodities are found to be harmful to the human physique by the dieticians and nutritionists and the consumption of such commodities is against the principle of live and let live.
Resolution No. 5
RESOLVED that for promotion of studies of Jainology and Prakrit an independent Department be established in the Central Universities of India and such existing Departments in other Indian Universities be further strengthened.
Resolution No. 6
RESOLVED that to promote Jain literature and culture in other countries, the concerned organisations and institutions may invite scholars from India as Visiting Professors and if possible on a permanent basis. Besides, the Government of India may send such scholars under the Cultural Exchange Programme to different countries.
Resolution No. 7
RESOLVED that the nations should give high priority to production of vegetarian food material and increase the production of pulses, corns, various
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